
Organizing CSS rules

I'm thinking about organizing my CSS better. One suggestion is to use something like .LESS I'm using ASP.NET and there is currently a Beta .LESS for .NET Curious if there are other solutions like .LESS? ...

Is there an equivalent of less for SQL*Plus?

Sometimes a query on SQL*Plus might yield too many rows t fit on the screen. Is there some equivalent of "piping to less/more" mechanism that I can do to navigate the results? select * from emp | less ...

Execute "less" from command-line PHP w/ Scrolling

I want to execute less and similar programs from the command-line in PHP. I have tried the usual suspects (exec, shell_exec, passthru, etc), and while many of them can dump the file to the screen, the process is terminated before I can make use of it. If I wanted cat, I'd use it. How do I execute a program in this fashion? ...

LESS/SASS CSS opposite from minification/optimizations?

i wonder can i say that LESS/SASS CSS "pre-processors(i think they are called?)" is the opposite from optimizations like minification? i wonder if there will be any noticeable performance impact? or do you think easy of development is more important? i ask this because what LESS CSS generates is something like body #div1 #div2 p body #...

Join two .less files into one css file

When working with lesscss I would like to join two or three .less files into one super css file. I know that you can do it using some little ruby magic, but I would like to know if there is something simple in the less engine? ...

LESS CSS Support for Eclipse PDT?

Hey Guys, does anyone knows a plugin for eclipse which adds LESS CSS support? It doen't need to have any functionality from LESS integrated to eclipse. I only need syntax lightning and a "add less file" option. Any help is appreciated,thanks in advance. Nico ...

How to use less than and equal to in an assert statement in python.

When I run the following: growthRates = [3, 4, 5, 0, 3] for each in growthRates: print each assert growthRates >= 0, 'Growth Rate is not between 0 and 100' assert growthRates <= 100, 'Growth Rate is not between 0 and 100' I get: 3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "ps4.py", line 132, in <module> testNestEggVar...

less.js, lessframework & CSS grids ala Blueprint or 960.gs

Ok, so Less.js has come along, and it seems that my dreams of creating a CSS framework (especially a 'grid' system), with an 'abstracted' CSS language might be about to come true. That is, 960 and Blueprint are great and all... but it so irked me to put style information in HTML markup, such as: class="article grid_4 pull_2" or whate...

Problem installing LESS for Ruby on Rails - script/plugin: command not found

I am trying to install LESS in a Ruby on Rails project. I am able to run the gem successfully, but when I try to install the plugin for LESS, I get an error. Here's what shows in the terminal: MacBook:benji jesse$ sudo gem install less Successfully installed less-1.2.21 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for less-1.2.21... Inst...

Is there an online tool to compile LESS?

I'm trying to use LESS in my webpage, but am having trouble compiling it. It's built to work on ruby, which I don't have permission to install on my pc. Is there an online tool for this compilation? I know that lessphp exists, but I can't find the demo on their site any longer. To summarise, I'm looking for a quick and dirty solution t...

Are your SASS/Less stylesheets private source code, or public like CSS?

Stylesheet languages like Sass and Less allow us to organize our stylesheets like real programming source code, in more modular and manageable ways than raw CSS ever could. Using these languages is still a young art, and I'm curious to learn how other developers use them in practice. One of the neat features about the openness of the we...

In LESS CSS can I get LESS to watch a bunch of files but compile a different file when they change?

I have several LESS files that are all imported into one master file (styles.less). My problem at the moment is: when I make a change in one of the child files I have to save style.less to compile it to CSS. Is there a way in which I can ask less to monitor the child files but only compile the parent? Cheers, Ad ...

Converting SASS to Less

Does anyone know if there's a tool which can convert SASS (the haml CSS thing) to Less? ...

What’s the best grid framework to use with LESS css?

Hi, I'd like to use a grid framework (e.g. blueprint/960.gs/...) with LESS(.js) but it looks there's some issues when you decide to go that way: For example with blueprint: The ie hacks stylesheet prevents to use the container/span-X classes as mixins given that the mixed-in classes will not appear in the html elements. for example pu...

What is the best way to render LESS.js stylesheets in node.js using express?

I have a small node.js app (my first) that I want to have compile it's less.js stylesheets when the server loads. The point I'm starting at is the express example app for jade where it appears it compiles it's SASS templates when the server is created: var pub = __dirname + '/public'; var app = express.createServer( express.compiler...


For a rails CSS framework for an existing app, which one do you prefer - LESS or COMPASS? ...

Nodejs: How to catch an exception from middleware?

I'm using node.js and the "less" compiler middleware: app.configure(function() { // ... app.use(express.compiler({ src: __dirname + '/public', enable: ['less'] })) // ... }) Now i've got a faulty .less-file, but I can't find any docs on how to get the error message. The page I receive is this: <html> <head> <title>[...