
PHP exec() not executing batch files

I tried googling for this issue and found many people with the same problem but no solution. $result = exec("C:\\Ruby191\\bin\\lessc.bat less\\$file", $output); Here result is an empty string and output an empty array. Same thing with: $result = exec("cmd /c C:\\Ruby191\\bin\\lessc.bat less\\$file", $output); I am sure the ...

less.js not working in chrome

i noticed that less.js is working in firefox but not in chrome, or isit because i made an error? <link rel="stylesheet/less" href="css/style.less" /> <script src="http://lesscss.googlecode.com/files/less-1.0.21.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; @highlight: #cb1e16; @shade1: #cb1e16; @tone1: #5c6f7d; @grad1: #e6edf3; @grad2: #8a8d92; @text1: ...

LESS CSS and font shorthand

i noticed an issue when using LESS CSS with font shorthand .font(@weight: 300, @size: 22px, @height: 32px) { font: @weight @size/@height "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Liberation Sans", FreeSans, sans-serif; } the above fails with this.a.toCSS is not a function http://localhost/tumblr/modern1/css/style.less on line 1, column 0: 1. @hi...

Is there a jQueryUI LessCss template out there?

We are making extensive use of LessCss and and jQueryUI in a current project and we've looked all over for the jQueryUI theme in Less format. Has any one come across this? And if so, can you point me in the right direction? ...

Using UTF-8 encoding for LESSCSS

I am trying to compile my LESSCSS document, and I am getting an error when trying to use @charset "UTF-8";. I want to be sure my document is encoded correctly because of the way I embed my fonts. src: local('☺'), url(...); Any ideas? ...

LESS CSS Support for Eclipse PDT?

Hey Guys, does anyone knows a plugin for eclipse which adds LESS CSS support? It doen't need to have any functionality from LESS integrated to eclipse. I only need syntax lightning and a "add less file" option. Any help is appreciated,thanks in advance. Nico ...

In LESS CSS can I get LESS to watch a bunch of files but compile a different file when they change?

I have several LESS files that are all imported into one master file (styles.less). My problem at the moment is: when I make a change in one of the child files I have to save style.less to compile it to CSS. Is there a way in which I can ask less to monitor the child files but only compile the parent? Cheers, Ad ...

Multi-nested, multi-block mixins in lessphp

While transforming some code to lessphp from the classic less code; an incompatibility I discovered from the classic less css is that there is no support for multi-block mixins with nesting levels > 2. The classic less seems to be fully in support of mixins having many nested blocks in them. Is this intentional - the support for just tw...