
Automate Sass execution thru terminal (os x) via script

I started using Haml/Sass thru Rubygems recently, and I'm really liking it (although that doesn't have much to do with my question)... I would like to create a simple script I can throw in the root directory of each of my projects that will launch terminal, cd to my CSS folder, and run sass. so essentially a script that: cd ~/path_to_h...

JqueryUI theme with SASS

Hello, Anyone used JQueryUI theme in Sass. A search gave few projects at Github, but did anyone used them? Is it possible to change the colors easily if only the base theme is available (if them roller is not possible to use with). Or what do you suggest to theme the base theme. thanks. ...

Sass (Ruby CSS compressor) absolute path parameters on Windows

I'm using sass (from haml-edge) for processing css files, and it crashes on absolute paths as parameters: K:\sass>sass.bat k:/sass/css/*.scss k:/sass/css/*.css --trace d:/Programs/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/haml-edge-3.1.62/lib/sass/files.rb:23:in `read': No such file or directory - k (Errno::ENOENT) from d:/Programs/Ruby/lib/ru...

Compass on Win using relative paths outside of Compass project dir

I was using Sass on an existing site and decided to get Compass up and running on Win7x64. Ruby, HAML, Compass all installed fine (afaik). I have a project at c:\project with a static files served out of c:\project\static with a directory structure that has to stay the same. I went into c:\project\static and ran this: compass create cs...

LESS/SASS CSS opposite from minification/optimizations?

i wonder can i say that LESS/SASS CSS "pre-processors(i think they are called?)" is the opposite from optimizations like minification? i wonder if there will be any noticeable performance impact? or do you think easy of development is more important? i ask this because what LESS CSS generates is something like body #div1 #div2 p body #...

Making a SASS mixin with optional arguments

I am writing a mixin like this: @mixin box-shadow($top, $left, $blur, $color, $inset:"") { -webkit-box-shadow:$top $left $blur $color $inset; -moz-box-shadow:$top $left $blur $color $inset; box-shadow:$top $left $blur $color $inset; } When called what I really want is that if no $inset value is passed, nothing is output, r...

Change link color with javascript for style defined by scss

I have scss than looks something like #container{ a{ color:white; } } And I would like to change the links to another color using javascript. IE function changeColorTo(color){ //insert help here } Thanks. ...

How to match all .sass request to a particular controller in pylons?

I'm using pylons, and want to use clever css. I created a controller SassController to handle .sass requests, but in the config/, I don't know how to write the mapping. What I want is: client request: http://localhost:5000/stylesheets/questions/index.sass all such requests will be handled by SassController#index I tried: ...

How would you handle a mixed HAML/ERB team?

I'm a big Haml/Sass fan. Right now I work with a designer who prefers Erb and doesn't speak Haml. I find that working with Erb is slowing me down considerably, and it doesn't seem fair that he should have to pay for that time (he's the client & I'm paid hourly). The erb->haml converter works quite well these days, but I don't know if t...

Easiest way to get Compass/Sass running on OSX

I first had to follow the instructions here to make sure that I had Ruby and Gems installed. Then I installed compass using Gems. Then I tried to run compass and had some errors... "Warning: Unable to load CarbonCore. FSEvents will be unavailable compass" I found a solution here, but it required me to install RVM via gems first...

how to include stylesheet in root folder of rails 3

Due to some heroku problems with rails 3 and compass framework, we followed this guide: and moved our stylesheets to app_name/tmp/stylesheets. I tried using stylesheet_link_tag "#{Rails.root}/tmp/stylesheets/main.css" but that doesnt work as it looks for the css file in ...

Automatic generation of CSS from SCSS/SASS with HAML and Rails

Hi, Is there a way to get your SCSS files to automatically generate new CSS each time a file is changed as part of Rails, without having to use sass --watch? Or is this just meant to happen anyway? By this I mean having rails do the watching for you, or maybe if it can recompile all SCSS every page load in development that is fine too....

How to start a Rails 3 app with HAML and SASS as the default templates?

the line rails new someapp -m haml doesn't work. It seems to need a path to some where. Update: haml-rails is in fact installed by gem install haml-rails but the line above wouldn't work. ...

Java libraries to manage CSS explosion and or reuse?

Java Q: I like CSS for simple web pages but loathe it when it comes to real world sites because you get css explosion and lots of repeating. I am tempted to use Sass and or Compass but they are Ruby programs which will most likely require some interesting Maven + JRuby love to get working for Java Web app dev. This also makes it difficu...

Editor for writing SASS/SCSS?

I know there is an extensive list of working editors on the site itself, but I was wondering from you developers, what is the best tool for writing SASS, and more specifically and importantly, the new syntax (SCSS). There are a few things I would like: Syntax highlighting Beautiful CSS outline, so it is easy to keep track of big files...

Use Compass with symfony

I'm currently experimenting with Symfony/SASS/Compass. I use sfSassyCssPlugin ( to automatically compile my .scss files. If i want to use compass with this plugin, do i need to modify the plugin to use another compiler (compass instead of sass)? How to use Compass best with Symfony projects? Than...

Automatic SASS to CSS in RoR 3 without sass --watch

Hi 2 all, I've read all topics re. SASS + RoR, but there are no answers for my small question. I'm running Rails 3 and using alternate syntax, without SCSS. Haml gem included in the project. What else should I configure to have autogenerated css files without "sass --watch"? Thanks in advance! ...

Are your SASS/Less stylesheets private source code, or public like CSS?

Stylesheet languages like Sass and Less allow us to organize our stylesheets like real programming source code, in more modular and manageable ways than raw CSS ever could. Using these languages is still a young art, and I'm curious to learn how other developers use them in practice. One of the neat features about the openness of the we...

SASS with Rails 3

Hey, yesterday I`ve got problems with HAML and Rails 3 which resolved themself. Today i wanted to try SASS and its not working. I have renamed my files to file.scss. The GemFile is up to date with gem "haml". There comes an error, because Rails can`t render my css files. Has anyone some ideas to solve this problem? Peter ...

Changes in scss files not reflect in css files

I want changes in my .scss files automatically reflect into css files. I'm using Rails 3. I places sass files to publish/stylesheets/sass folder I've added: require 'sass/plugin/rack' use Sass::Plugin::Rack to However changes in scss styles still not reflect into css files. ...