Is there any easy way to do so?
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant set/change the choices attribute after a model has been initialized.
Luiz C.
2010-03-05 18:15:55
You can set the choices attribute to any iterable:
I haven't tested this myself so I'm not sure when the choices attribute is actually evaluated, but you may be able to assign a generator function that would calculate your desired choices.
You might also investigate using the Model post_init signal:
This will give you access to your model after Django has initialized it and so you could set the choices at that time. You'd probably want to go through the "_meta" interface like so:
instance._meta.get_field_by_name('FIELD_NAME')[0].choices = [<choices>...]
Brian Luft
2010-03-05 18:22:39
That almost worked. I can see the current choices, but if I try to set it to a different value, I get the error: AttributeError: can't set attribute.
Luiz C.
2010-03-05 18:37:24
Poking around in the fields source, you can see that "choices" is a read-only property: setting to "_choices" instead. This works in the shell but I won't make any guarantees about unintended consequences.
Brian Luft
2010-03-05 19:26:45
Found a big problems using this method. The choices property when changed, changes the model throughout the server, which means that later requests will have the new choices value.
Luiz C.
2010-03-08 14:52:17
Right - this would essentially change the model definition. Backtracking, does it work if you set _choices on the model instance itself? YourModel.yourfield._choices = [...]
Brian Luft
2010-03-08 16:18:41
There are two parts to this problem: form and model level. The form level is very simple to implement and is used when displaying a view/edit page for an entry. The model level is more complex and is used only when displaying a table that lists each entry and some of its properties. That's why this solution doesn't work for this particular case. I took another approach by using a template tag that calls a class method that retrieves the correct display name. Thanks anyways.
Luiz C.
2010-03-08 18:13:31