I'm building a perl application that interacts with a PostgreSQL database via the DBD::Pg module, and that uses Perl/Tk for it's GUI. It works fairly well on my system, but I'm designing it for a family member to use for their business. They don't have a c++ compiler and don't have a clue what CPAN is. The goal is to not bog them down by having to load a c++ compiler and go to all of the trouble of building a module from source if I can avoid it.
I need to get the Tk module installed onto their computer along with Strawberry Perl (it includes DBD:Pg right out of the box). How do I go about including this module along with my application in order to make things easier on for my end user? Would simply copying my entire C:\strawberry\perl\site\lib\Tk folder into their computer during setup do the trick or does perl need more than that in order to use Tk and be happy with it?
Thanks for the help!