Hey guys, this one's been eating up my entire night, and I'm finally throwing up my hands for some assistance. Basically, it's fairly straightforward to calculate the Pitch and Yaw from the View Matrix right after you do a camera update:
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_View, &sCam.pos, &vLookAt, &sCam.up);
pDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &m_View);
// Set the camera axes from the view matrix
sCam.right.x = m_View._11;
sCam.right.y = m_View._21;
sCam.right.z = m_View._31;
sCam.up.x = m_View._12;
sCam.up.y = m_View._22;
sCam.up.z = m_View._32;
sCam.look.x = m_View._13;
sCam.look.y = m_View._23;
sCam.look.z = m_View._33;
// Calculate yaw and pitch and roll
float lookLengthOnXZ = sqrtf( sCam.look.z^2 + sCam.look.x^2 );
fPitch = atan2f( sCam.look.y, lookLengthOnXZ );
fYaw = atan2f( sCam.look.x, sCam.look.z );
So my problem is: there must be some way to obtain the Roll in radians similar to how the Pitch and Yaw are being obtained at the end of the code there. I've tried several dozen algorithms that seemed to make sense to me, but none of them gave quite the desired result. I realize that many developers don't track these values, however I am writing some re-centering routines and setting clipping based on the values, and manual tracking breaks down as you apply mixed rotations to the View Matrix. So, does anyone have the formula for getting the Roll in radians (or degrees, I don't care) from the View Matrix? Thanks!