



How can I calculate the number of differences between two NSStrings.


NSString 1 = this is a string

NSString 2 = Tihs isa string

should return: 4 (one for the capital "T", one for the "i", the "h" and for the missing space)

+6  A: 

What you're looking for is the Levenshtein Distance.

An implementation in Objective-C:


//  NSString-Levenshtein.h
//  Created by Rick Bourner on Sat Aug 09 2003.
//  [email protected]

@interface NSString(Levenshtein)

// calculate the smallest distance between all words in stringA and  
- (float) compareWithString: (NSString *) stringB;

// calculate the distance between two string treating them each as a
// single word
- (float) compareWithWord: (NSString *) stringB;

// return the minimum of a, b and c
- (int) smallestOf: (int) a andOf: (int) b andOf: (int) c;



//  NSString-Levenshtein.m
//  Created by Rick Bourner on Sat Aug 09 2003.
//  [email protected]

#import "NSString-Levenshtein.h"

@implementation NSString(Levenshtein)

// calculate the mean distance between all words in stringA and stringB
- (float) compareWithString: (NSString *) stringB
     float averageSmallestDistance = 0.0;
     float smallestDistance;
     float distance;

     NSMutableString * mStringA = [[NSMutableString alloc]  initWithString: self];
     NSMutableString * mStringB = [[NSMutableString alloc]  initWithString: stringB];

     // normalize
     [mStringA replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\n"
                              withString: @" "
                                 options: NSLiteralSearch
                                   range: NSMakeRange(0, [mStringA  length])];

     [mStringB replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\n"
                              withString: @" "
                                 options: NSLiteralSearch
                                   range: NSMakeRange(0, [mStringB  length])];

     NSArray * arrayA = [mStringA componentsSeparatedByString: @" "];
     NSArray * arrayB = [mStringB componentsSeparatedByString: @" "];

     NSEnumerator * emuA = [arrayA objectEnumerator];
     NSEnumerator * emuB;

     NSString * tokenA = NULL;
     NSString * tokenB = NULL;

     // O(n*m) but is there another way ?!?
     while ( tokenA = [emuA nextObject] ) {

         emuB = [arrayB objectEnumerator];
         smallestDistance = 99999999.0;

         while ( tokenB = [emuB nextObject] )
             if ( (distance = [tokenA compareWithWord: tokenB] ) <  smallestDistance )
                 smallestDistance = distance;

         averageSmallestDistance += smallestDistance;


     [mStringA release];
     [mStringB release];

     return averageSmallestDistance / [arrayA count];

// calculate the distance between two string treating them eash as a
// single word
- (float) compareWithWord: (NSString *) stringB
     // normalize strings
     NSString * stringA = [NSString stringWithString: self];
     [stringA stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
               [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
     [stringB stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
               [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
     stringA = [stringA lowercaseString];
     stringB = [stringB lowercaseString];

     // Step 1
     int k, i, j, cost, * d, distance;

     int n = [stringA length];
     int m = [stringB length];  

     if( n++ != 0 && m++ != 0 ) {

         d = malloc( sizeof(int) * m * n );

         // Step 2
         for( k = 0; k < n; k++)
             d[k] = k;

         for( k = 0; k < m; k++)
             d[ k * n ] = k;

         // Step 3 and 4
         for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
             for( j = 1; j < m; j++ ) {

                 // Step 5
                 if( [stringA characterAtIndex: i-1] == 
                      [stringB characterAtIndex: j-1] )
                     cost = 0;
                     cost = 1;

                 // Step 6
                 d[ j * n + i ] = [self smallestOf: d [ (j - 1) * n + i ] + 1
                                             andOf: d[ j * n + i - 1 ] +  1
                                             andOf: d[ (j - 1) * n + i -1 ] + cost ];

         distance = d[ n * m - 1 ];

         free( d );

         return distance;
     return 0.0;

// return the minimum of a, b and c
- (int) smallestOf: (int) a andOf: (int) b andOf: (int) c
     int min = a;
     if ( b < min )
         min = b;

     if( c < min )
         min = c;

     return min;


Author of the source above: Rick Bourner,

Bart Kiers
great! So how exactly do I get it to work?
Matt S.
I haven't the faintest idea! I posted the Objective-C code because (1) I thought that was the language you are working in, and (2) the code is from `` making it (IMHO) a reliable source. Personally, I have no experience in the language iPhone apps are written in. But the algorithm and pseudo code should give you enough to work on for the moment, right?
Bart Kiers
This is a category on NSString, so if you place this within appropriate header and implementation files, then include the header, you should be able to do [string1 compareWithString:string1].
Brad Larson
@brad That's what I thought, but the float threw me off guard
Matt S.