




I have a schema like :

  • employees (eno, ename, zip, hdate)
  • customers (cno, cnmae, street, zip, phone)
  • zipcodes (zip, city)

where zip is pk in zipcodes and fk in other tables.
I have to write an update query which updates all the occurence of zipcode 4994 to 1234 throughout the database.

update zipcodes,customers,employees  
  set zip = 0  
where customers.zip = zipcodes.zip 
  and employees.zip = zipcodes.zip;  

but i know i am not doing it right. Is there a way to update all the tables zip ina single update query?


I think, you should insert a new row for the new zip in the zipcode table first, update the zip in the rest of the tables then and finally delete the old zipcode.

isnt there a way for doing it just via updates?
You can do it the way you have indicated, but might have to keep the system locked for the duration of the update. Actually, you need to lock the tables from insert in both the cases.
+2  A: 

You cannot update multiple tables in one update statement. You will need to write multiple updates statement.

NEW THOUGHT: You could add triggers to update down the line, that way your app could update 1 table and triggers would propogate the rest.

Dustin Laine
SQL> update zipcodes set zip =1234 where zip = 67226; update zipcodes * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02292: integrity constraint violated - child record found
I said the same thing @OMG Ponies said and you posted the same reply.
Dustin Laine
+3  A: 

Oracle doesn't support multi-table update statements.

  1. Confirm that zipcode "1234" exists in the ZIPCODES table

      (zip, city)
      (1234, '?')
  2. Write separate update statements for the CUSTOMERS and EMPLOYEES tables:

       SET zip = 1234
     WHERE zip = 4994
       SET zip = 1234
     WHERE zip = 4994
  3. Delete the previous code:

     WHERE zip = 4994
OMG Ponies
i get this UPDATE ZIPCODES*ERROR at line 1:ORA-02292: integrity constraint violated - child record found
@jon - the error message indicates you're updating the ZIPCODES table, which is not what OMG Ponies has suggested.
Jeffrey Kemp

Use stored Procedure . There you can do this multiple table operation using conditional statements.

Would still require multiple update statements. Just all in one wrapper as a stored proc.
Dustin Laine


It may sloves your problem. And you can update or delete in for loop basend on the values

Begin for Zip_value in 1234.. 4559 loop update zipcodes set zip = 0
where customers.zip = zipcodes.zip
and employees.zip = zipcodes.zip; and zipcodes.zip = Zip_value; update customers set zip = 0
where customers.zip = zipcodes.zip
and employees.zip = zipcodes.zip; and zipcodes.zip = Zip_value; update employees
set zip = 0
where customers.zip = zipcodes.zip
and employees.zip = zipcodes.zip; and zipcodes.zip = Zip_value; END LOOP; commit; end; /

Nanda Kishore

I didn't test it - but: the SQL language allows updatable views. If you look here, you will see that Oracle indeed supports inherently updatable views. This way you could probably update more tables with one statement. There are some restrictions described here on joins, but at least something should be possible.

However; this is clearly not applicable to your situation, multiple statements would work much better. What you might consider is "on update cascade", this way you would update the table with the cities with new zipcode and the customers and employees would get updated automatically.

Update: on update cascade doesn't work in Oracle :( So triggers or multiple statements.
