



Hi all, I've inherited a Classic ASP application that requires some maintenance.

What's the most up to date/capable IDE and Operation System that I can use to perform this maintenance?

I'll be setting up the Env in a VM - so won't be tied to it full time. Hopefully there's something newer than Visual Interdev for me to use. Ideally I'm hoping for some code completion and a debug capability.

Cost is of interest, but is not a deciding factor.

cheers, Ian

+3  A: 

No need to setup a VM, since all you need is Visual Studio 2008 and IIS installed in your dev machine (Presumably you have both already installed if you are a .net developer).

Be sure to install VS2008 SP1 for proper ASP Classic intellisense support.

Eduardo Molteni
Great answer Ed,you're suggesting software about 10 years newer than I was expecting to use!I'll give it a go.cheers,Ian
Ian: beware the ASP classic support is an optional (no default) installation in Windows Vista and 7 IIS, so remember to tick to checkbox.
Eduardo Molteni