



Since I'm more comfortable using Eclipse, I thought I'd try converting my project from Visual Studio. Yesterday I tried a very simple little test. No matter what I try, make fails with "multiple target patterns". (This is similar to this unanswered question.)

I have three files:


using namespace std;

#include "Window.h"

int main() {
    Window *win = new Window();
    delete &win;
    return 0;


#ifndef WINDOW_H_
#define WINDOW_H_

class Window {



#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

#include "Window.h"

const char* WINDOW_NAME = "MyApp";

Window::Window() {
    cvResizeWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 200, 200);
    cvMoveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0, 0);
    int key = 0;
    while (true) {
        key = cvWaitKey(0);
        if (key==27 || cvGetWindowHandle(WINDOW_NAME)==0) {
Window::~Window() {

I have added the following paths to the compiler include path (-I):


I have added the following libraries to the linker (-l):


And the following library search path (-L):


Eclipse, the compiler and the linker all succeed in including the headers and libraries. I am using the GNU C/C++ compiler & linker from Cygwin.

When compiling, I get the following make error:

src/Window.d:1: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.

Window.d contains:

src/Window.d src/Window.o: ../src/Window.cpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxtypes.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxerror.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cvver.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.hpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvtypes.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.hpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvcompat.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h ../src/Constants.h \
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxtypes.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxerror.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cvver.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.hpp:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvtypes.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.hpp:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvcompat.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h:

I tried removing all OpenCV headers from Window.d (from line 2 onwards), but the error remains. Also, I've updated Eclipse and OpenCV, all to no avail.

Do you have any ideas worth trying? I'm willing to try anything!

+3  A: 

Are you working from a Cygwin installation?

I've seen this problem before using Cygwin--basically, make sees the : in the path and thinks it is another target definition, hence the error.

If you are working from a Cygwin installation, you might try replacing the c:/ with /cygdrive/c/. If not, you might try using relative paths or using a network mount and see if that fixes it.

James McNellis
Yes, I'm running GCC from a Cygwin installation. Your answer is definitely pointing in the right direction. Coincidentally, I was just busy replacing `C:\` with `C\:/`, but then the compiler simply can't find the headers anymore. The same holds for replacing it with `/cygdrive/c/`. I'm fairly certain this will resolve the `make` problem, but how do I get them to work together?
Paul Lammertsma
I don't know how to prevent that Markdown from being escaped. Nevertheless, I had replaced "C:\" with "C\:/".
Paul Lammertsma
Just as a test, I copied all includes and libraries into my project path. Sure enough, it builds and runs. The problem seems to be specifying an absolute path.
Paul Lammertsma
When I had this problem before, we resolved it by simply replacing all of the `c:/` with `/cygdrive/c` (including in the environment variables it pulled in), and that solved our problem. I don't think you can use the `c:/` format path with GNU make (though there may be some Windows-specific build of it; I don't work with Cygwin enough to know). The network mount might still work--map `c:` as `c`, then you can access it from `\\mycomputer\c`. Other than that, I'm out of ideas :(.
James McNellis
One other idea: are you running `make` from a Cygwin shell? If not, the `/cygdrive` mappings won't be available.
James McNellis
maybe its possible to create enviroment variablse which point to your include directories, and use thos enviroment variables instead of the absolute path..
No; `make` is invoked by Eclipse.
Paul Lammertsma
Try running Eclipse from the Cygwin shell.
James McNellis
Yes, it appears that that works. However, Eclipse runs so poorly that I think I will just use relative paths for the time being.
Paul Lammertsma