I take it that "unsorted list" means that while your set of points is complete, you don't know what order they were travelled through?
The gaussian noise has to be basically ignored. We're given absolutely no information that allows us to make any attempt to reconstruct the original, un-noisy path. So I think the best we can do is assume the points are correct.
At this point, the task consists of "find the best path through a set of points", with "best" left vague. I whipped up some code that attempts to order a set of points in euclidean space, preferring orderings that result in straighter lines. While the metric was easy to implement, I couldn't think of a good way to improve the ordering based on that, so I just randomly swap points looking for a better arrangement.
So, here is some PLT Scheme code that does that.
#lang scheme
(require (only-in srfi/1 iota))
; a bunch of trig
(define (deg->rad d)
(* pi (/ d 180)))
(define (rad->deg r)
(* 180 (/ r pi)))
(define (euclidean-length v)
(sqrt (apply + (map (lambda (x) (expt x 2)) v))))
(define (dot a b)
(apply + (map * a b)))
(define (angle-ratio a b)
(/ (dot a b)
(* (euclidean-length a) (euclidean-length b))))
; given a list of 3 points, calculate the likelihood of the
; angle they represent. straight is better.
(define (probability-triple a b c)
(let ([av (map - a b)]
[bv (map - c b)])
(cos (/ (- pi (abs (acos (angle-ratio av bv)))) 2))))
; makes a random 2d point. uncomment the bit for a 3d point
(define (random-point . x)
(list (/ (random 1000) 100)
(/ (random 1000) 100)
#;(/ (random 1000) 100)))
; calculate the likelihood of an entire list of points
(define (point-order-likelihood lst)
(if (null? (cdddr lst))
(* (probability-triple (car lst)
(cadr lst)
(caddr lst))
(point-order-likelihood (cdr lst)))))
; just print a list of points
(define (print-points lst)
(for ([p (in-list lst)])
(printf "~a~n"
(string-join (map number->string
(map exact->inexact p))
" "))))
; attempts to improve upon a list
(define (find-better-arrangement start
; by default, try only 10 times to find something better
[tries 10]
; if we find an arrangement that is as good as one where
; every segment bends by 22.5 degrees (which would be
; reasonably gentle) then call it good enough. higher
; cut offs are more demanding.
[cut-off (expt (cos (/ pi 8))
(- (length start) 2))])
(let ([vec (list->vector start)]
; evaluate what we've started with
[eval (point-order-likelihood start)])
(let/ec done
; if the current list exceeds the cut off, we're done
(when (> eval cut-off)
(done start))
; otherwise, try no more than 'tries' times...
(for ([x (in-range tries)])
; pick two random points in the list
(let ([ai (random (vector-length vec))]
[bi (random (vector-length vec))])
; if they're the same...
(when (= ai bi)
; increment the second by 1, wrapping around the list if necessary
(set! bi (modulo (add1 bi) (vector-length vec))))
; take the values from the two positions...
(let ([a (vector-ref vec ai)]
[b (vector-ref vec bi)])
; swap them
(vector-set! vec bi a)
(vector-set! vec ai b)
; make a list out of the vector
(let ([new (vector->list vec)])
; if it evaluates to better
(when (> (point-order-likelihood new) eval)
; start over with it
(done (find-better-arrangement new tries cut-off)))))))
; we fell out the bottom of the search. just give back what we started with
; evaluate, display, and improve a list of points, five times
(define points (map random-point (iota 10)))
(define tmp points)
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 10))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 100))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 1000))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 10000))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)