Hello all,
Consider the following :
$img_pathm = JURI::root().'images/properties/images/'.$this->datos->id.'/';
$peque_path = JURI::root().'images/properties/images/thumbs/'.$this->datos->id.'/';
$result = count($this->Images);
$resultf = $result-1;
while ($resultf>=0){ ?>
<span class="editlinktip hasTip" title="<?php echo $this->datos->image1;?>::
<img border="1" src="<?php echo $peque_path.$this->Images[$resultf]->name; ?>" name="imagelib" alt="<?php echo JText::_( 'No preview available'.$img_pathm ); ?>" width="206" height="100" />">
<img src="<?php echo $peque_path.$this->Images[$resultf]->name; ?>" alt="Additional image <?php echo $resultf+1 ?>" width="65px" height="50px"/></span> <?php
$resultf--; }
This currently prints images one after the other. All I need to do is to invert the order in which these images are printed to the user. I am not sure where, or how I would insert something similar to ORDER by in this code? Thanks in advance!