I figured this one out, yet thought it worthy of its own question answer pair.
I'm new to Xcode and Objective C, and getting to know its varied eccentricities. For instance, the compiler warning "warning: ''may not respond to '<[-|+]FUNCTION>'" appears when I try to compile the following code, which all appears in my implementation file since I desire to create a private static utility function for this class:
// Here's the function declaration in the implementation file (I don't want it in the header)
+(void)authenticationRedirectTo:(NSURL *)url WithRelayState:(NSString *)relayState AndSAMLResponse:(NSString *)samlResponse {
// Later on, here's a call to that same function:
[CnaCalendarController authenticationredirectTo:formActionURL WithRelayState:relayState AndSAMLResponse:SAMLResponse];
When compiled, this produces the warning above. Next, I'll post my resolution. Feel free to contribute your ideas as well!