



I have two java applications that need to talk to each other over an encrypted TCP socket, but they don't need to authenticate each other (one will accept() a connection from the other). Can anyone point me to a tutorial/code-snippet that will help me set these up?

I'm looking for something fairly simple and I'd like to not have to supply any keystore or truststore material.

EDIT: I should be more specific here. I meant that they don't have to authenticate each other via SSL. I have some non-trivial authentication that I have to do at the application level, so I can't use any sort of SSL-based authentication scheme.

Also, some of the links in the answers posted so far (as of noon 3/10/2010) require keystore files. Is there a simple way I can programmatically generate the keys I need?




As already noted, ssl connection can't be established without keys. What you can skip is an optional certificates validation.


You can use the anonymous Diffie-Hellman ciphersuites if you insist on ignoring Chris Jester-Young's sage advice. Those ciphersuites are not enabled by default, you have to explicitly enable them, for example by using the SSLSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites() method.


To reiterate Chris Jester-Young's advice - if you don't have authentication, then you might be communicating securely, but you have no idea who you're communicating securely with. You could simply be communicating very securely with the bad guy himself (who is relaying everything you're saying onto the person you hoped you were talking directly to).

However, there is a quite lightweight authentication scheme that might suit your purposes. This is where you use SSL and generate self-signed certificates for each side - however you do not skip certificate validation. Instead, on the first connection with a given peer you accept any certificate and store it locally; on subsequent connections with that peer, you only accept that saved certificate. This is similar to the way that ssh works by default for host authentication, and provides authentication of the "the guy I'm talking to now is the same guy I was talking to yesterday" variety.
