



CouchDB, version 0.10.0, using native erlang views.

I have a simple document of the form:

   "_id": "user-1",
   "_rev": "1-9ccf63b66b62d15d75daa211c5a7fb0d",
   "type": "user",
   "identifiers": [
   "username": "monkey",
   "name": "Monkey Man"

And a basic javascript design document:

   "_id": "_design/user",
   "_rev": "1-94bd8a0dbce5e2efd699d17acea1db0b",
   "language": "javascript",
   "views": {
     "find_by_identifier": {
       "map": "function(doc) {
          if (doc.type == 'user') {
            doc.identifiers.forEach(function(identifier) {
              emit(identifier, {\"username\":doc.username,\"name\"});

which emits:

{"id":"user-1","key":"ABC","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}},
{"id":"user-1","key":"DEF","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}},
{"id":"user-1","key":"123","value":{"username":"monkey","name":"Monkey Man"}}

I'm looking into building an Erlang view that does the same thing. Best attempt so far is:

%% Map Function
fun({Doc}) ->
    case proplists:get_value(<<"type">>, Doc) of
    undefined ->
    Type ->
        Identifiers = proplists:get_value(<<"identifiers">>, Doc),
        ID = proplists:get_value(<<"_id">>, Doc),
        Username = proplists:get_value(<<"username">>, Doc),
        Name = proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, Doc),
        lists:foreach(fun(Identifier) -> Emit(Identifier, [ID, Username, Name]) end, Identifiers);
    _ ->

which emits:

{"id":"user-1","key":"ABC","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]},
{"id":"user-1","key":"DEF","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]},
{"id":"user-1","key":"123","value":["monkey","Monkey Man"]}

The question is - how can I get those values out as tuples, instead of as arrays? I don't imagine I can (or would want to) use records, but using atoms in a tuple doesn't seem to work.

lists:foreach(fun(Identifier) -> Emit(Identifier, {id, ID, username, Username, name, Name}) end, Identifiers);

Fails with the following error:

{"error":"json_encode","reason":"{bad_term,{<<\"user-1\">>,<<\"monkey\">>,<<\"Monkey Man\">>}}"}

Thoughts? I know that Erlang sucks for this specific kind of thing (named access) and that I can do it by convention (id at first position, username next, real name last), but that makes the client side code pretty ugly.


If you like experimental features (that still work...), you might want to have a look to Erlang exprecs.

I found it extremely helpful in creating a sort of dynamic records for Erlang.

Roberto Aloi
+4  A: 

The JSON object {"foo":"bar","baz":1} is {[{<<"foo">>,<<"bar">>},{<<"baz">>,1}]}

In Erlang lingua it is a proplist wrapped in a tuple.

It's not pretty, but very efficient :)

To get a feel for it you can play with the JSON lib that ships with CouchDB:

  1. Start CouchDB with the -i (interactive) flag
  2. On the resulting erlang shell, type: couch_util:json_decode(<<"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}">>).
  3. Profit
Jan Lehnardt
Perfect! This really helped :)
When decoding json which has nested keys, does one need to escape the { with a \{ as well ?
Bart J