Is it true that the syntax for (assign of variable value) is different than the syntax for (assign of address) in PHP.
Like: If we want to store variable value to another variable then we can do it like this:
print $a;
print $b;
// output is 22
But if we want to store variable address to another variable then we can do it like this:
$a=&$b; // note the & operator
print $a;
print $b;
// output is 33
Note that first time $b contain '2' then after $a=&$b; $b will contain '3' , now the point to think that if we want to store variable value then we will use $a=$b;
& if we want to store variable location address then we will use $a=&$b;
My conclusion:
The way of value storing is like:
$store_destination = $store_source; // ie: value save from right to left.
but the way of address storing is like:
$store_source = $store_destination; // ie: address save from left to right.
Am i right?