In my app I have BaseViewController (NavigationController) as the root controller. I normally use the following code to navigate:
[self.navigationController pushViewController:childController animated:YES];
But on one of the actions I want the next view to animate buttom to top, so I use:
[self presentModalViewController:childController animated:YES];
Everything works so far. In the modal view I then want to push another controller, but this doesn't seem to work. I have tried the following:
// self.navigationController is null, so this doesn't work
[self.navigationController pushViewController:childController animated:YES];
// self.parentViewController is the BaseViewController and not null, but this
// won't work either. This also generates a warning "UIViewController' may not
// respond to '-pushViewController:animated:"
[self.parentViewController pushViewController:childController animated:YES];
In both cases nothing happens. Is pushViewController disabled while a modal view is still showing? If so, is there another way I can:
- Animate next controller from bottom to top
- Animate the next controller from left to right, with a back button as usual. The back button should take you back to the previous (modal) view.