



I am creating a report using reporting services which formatted as follows:

Main report (passing mainid to SP and subreport 1 and 2 )
      |---display data from a stored procedure(SP1)
      |---Subreport 1 (passing subreport id to SP and subreport 1.1 and 1.2)
            |---display data from a stored procedure(SP10)
            |---Subreport 1.1
                  |---display data from a stored procedure(SP11)
            |---Subreport 1.2
                  |---display data from a stored procedure(SP12)
      |---Subreport 2 (passing subreport id to SP and subreport 2.2)
            |---display data from a stored procedure(SP20)
            |---Subreport 2.1
                  |---display data from a stored procedure(SP21)

Each report displays works fine by itself, each store procedure works aswell. Now as soon as I put the entire report together, the main report stops displaying its data retrived from SP1 and the Subreports 1 and 2 stop displaying data from SP10 and SP20. But the Subreports 1.1,1.2, and 2.1 work fine. As soon as I exclude either Subreport 1.1 OR 1.2 everything works fine.

Any help with this issue will be appreciated.