




I am barely new to IPhone Programming so can anyone please shed some light for my problem.

Current SetUp: I have Tabbar Controller(4 TabbarItem's) When u click the secondtabbaritem -> It calls second.xib which is of type UIViewController.

My Requirement: I have a button inside the view. So when i click the button, it should load another UIViewController with the tabbar visible.

Problem: I am able to do so, but the tabbar disappears, and i need to quit the application to start go back to the see the tabbar again.


First you'll have to read and understand how UITabBarController works. Once you've set up your tabs using setViewControllers:animated: use selectedViewController to switch between them.

Plamen Dragozov

You should have the tab bar controller as the root and then launch navigation controllers when the various tabs are selected. doing it like this will resolve the problem of the dissapearing tab bar when pushing a new view controller.

here's a video tutorial link text that shows what you want to do. hope it helps.

Thanks for the reply..it does make sense now