



As every programmer knows tools are important and there is no tool more important for a developer than the IDE you use to code. In the last few years the IDE-s fall into standards and it is not common to see innovation in this area. What IDE-s you can recommend as innovative and what new ideas and paradigms they introduced?


One interesting IDE I have seen only on video is Code Bubbles. It opens code snippets as a graph of visual "bubbles". It is really interesting and definitely something I want to try.

Branislav Abadjimarinov
Personally not sure i would call it innovative in a postive way. I see a LOT of problems working on non-trivial code with it. This is more a concept / research idea than a real IDE at that point in time. May well decide to be a dead end practically.
I saw part of the video on Code Bubbles. Code Bubbles put me off because, based on my toying with KDE 4 and Eclipse, they most likely render very slowly unless you have new hardware and a decent video driver. I found KDE 4's folder views (similar in concept to bubbles) disappointing mainly because quirky behavior and missing features got in the way. However, the developers probably put a lot of work into making Code Bubbles easy to use.
Joey Adams
+3  A: 

I haven't used this but saw the demo video yesterday. The IDE is called code bubbles and has a unique way of showing and grouping related code together.

That said I find the intellitrace feature in Visual Studio 2010 quite innovative.

I agree about IntelliTrace. It will change debugging and tracing as we know it.
Branislav Abadjimarinov
Code bubbles looks really interesting. Reminds me of the Smalltalk workspace. I can imagine programming using such an IDE on devices such as the iPad is going to be a kickass experience.
+1  A: 

Palm's Project Ares:

It's the IDE for the Palm webOS phones, that runs entirely as a web app. You build and run your app inside the browser, and when you're done, you deploy straight to the cloud.

Joeri Sebrechts
+1  A: 

Some cool videos of structured editor prototype that will let you directly code the AST.

This is a prototype only and I have no idea if it is still being developed.

+1  A: 

I'd put my bet on Meta Programming System by Jetbrains. The concept is not new but it's the first time it has been implemented on such a huge scale with great IDE support. You create a DSL first, then write programs in that DSL and finally generate code in a target language.

Read the tuto very hard to grasp, not the DSL concept which is simple, but all the steps required is daunting.
@user284523 i agree, the example can put off anybody. but look at the bright side - by the time your grandchildren are ready to learn programming, you'd up up to speed and can easily explain it to them.
+1  A: 

I'll go for Scratch, though I wouldn't want to write a banking system using it :-)
