



I created a TTModelViewController. in the createModel Method i created a TTURLRequestModel. after Loading content in the TTURLRequestModel i want to call a method in my TTModelViewController.


- (void) createModel {
     requestModel = [[singlePostModel alloc] initWithId:@"54"];

- (void)didLoadModel:(BOOL)firstTime {

TTURLRequestModel (singlePostModel)

- (void)requestDidFinishLoad:(TTURLRequest*)request {
      //doing something
     [super requestDidFinishLoad:request];

first i thought "didLoadModel" gets called after requestDidFinishLoad was called, but its before.

So, how can i call a method in my TTModelViewController after request is finished loading? is there a method that already does that and i only have to overwrite this? or something else?


// if knowbody knows how to do this with three20, anybody can tell me how to do this in general?


the solution of the first post works fine now, but i still got a warning that the function i call to my object doesnt exist:

@interface TTModelViewController {

- (void)modelFinishedLoading;


and now i call that method in my models class

[controller modelFinishedLoading];

at this point xcode throws a warning "no -modelFinishedLoading method found".

why? i implemented it in the interface and also in the implementation part of TTModelViewController.

does that have to do with this @class at my singlePostModel?

@class singlePostViewController;
@interface singlePostModel : TTURLRequestModel
+2  A: 

The way I would do it would be to subclass TTURLRequestModel, which I suspect you've already done based on the name of your class (singlePostModel). In that subclass, add a member variable that you can use to point back to your TTModelViewController. Something like:

Class Definition:

class TTModelViewController;
@interface singlePostModel : TTURLRequestModel {
    TTModelViewController *controller;

- (id) initWithId:(String *)id forController:(TTModelViewController *)controller;



@implementation singlePostModel {
- (id) initWithId:(String *)id forController:(TTModelViewController *)mvc {
  if (self = [super initWithId:id]) {
    controller = mvc;

- (void)requestDidFinishLoad:(TTURLRequest*)request {
  [controller callMyMethodHere];
  [super requestDidFinishLoad:request];


When you initialize it then, you would use:

- (void) createModel {
  requestModel = [[singlePostModel alloc] initWithId:@"54" forController:self];

Unless you have another way to get to your TTModelViewController, like through the app delegate singleton, in which case, that could work just as well, as long as you don't mind the coupling.

For example, your app delegate has a reference to the main View Controller for the application because it is set up from the main NIB. That is easily accessible using

((MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).myMainViewController
Ed Marty
i'll give it a try this afternoon. can you please explain your last sentence? i dont understand it :(
Expanded the answer to explain my last sentence.
Ed Marty
ill accept your answer, but one last thing. check my edit above.
You need to include the header file of the class you are calling the method on in your .m file for the warning to go away
Ed Marty