is there a full setup guide for mongo_mapper, haml, rails3 and devise, for the current git (master) branches? a lot of things changed in all of those frameworks/libs lately. i was wondering if somebody has it up and running and can share it on github or give some pointers...
4I found an example app to use as a base for Devise and Mongomapper. It uses HAML and SASS. It's hosted on Github:
Hope this is helpful - it certainly helped me.
Cheers Kapslok
Unfortunately this isn't easily possible right now. The only versions of devise that support Rails 3 have removed the ORM adapters for MongoMapper due to MM relying on a custom validatable gem which uses a different syntax than the ActiveRecord/ActiveModel style. See this github issue:
HAML, SASS, Devise and Mongoid on Rails3 however is quite simple. It's a shame because I really like both MongoMapper and Devise (I created the Rails 2 example linked earlier).
Devise dropped support for MongoMapper and now supports Mongoid. There's a complete example application for Rails 3 (beta 4) using Mongoid and Devise (with a detailed walkthough tutorial) at
Railscasts have a couple of Rails 3 specific casts on Devise setup and customizing - might be useful,
(210 is the second cast on customizing Devise)