
uninitialized constant ActionController when running rake db:migrate

Let me preface this by saying I'm a total rails noob. I've just written a migration but when I try to run rake db:migrate --trace I get this error. (in /home/dkerschner/hsp-agent) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment rake aborted! uninitialized constant ActionController /var/lib/g...

Using devise with Rails 3 beta

I'm currently trying to use Devise 1.1.pre3 as authentication in my upcoming project, but I can't get it to work properly. I have done everything it says in the documentation, installed warden and the correct Devise version, run the install and used the generator to create the model. But when I try to access the sign up form (localhost:...

haml with rails3 (git master) and devise: form_for syntax change breaks haml -- suggestions?

i am trying to get haml working with a rails3 project; since i am quite far in the modeling i wanted to go to the haml views now -- seems that the current haml (git master) does not work together with the current rails3 git master because of some syntax changes in rails3 form_for does anyone have more information on the syntax changes?...

searching for a guide how to setup mongo_mapper, devise, haml with rails3

is there a full setup guide for mongo_mapper, haml, rails3 and devise, for the current git (master) branches? a lot of things changed in all of those frameworks/libs lately. i was wondering if somebody has it up and running and can share it on github or give some pointers... ...

mongomapper, rails3 edge: undefined method `to_key' on form_for

when i am trying to get the basic devise examples running with current git versions from rails, mongomapper and devise, i have the following error appearing: undefined method `to_key' for #<Admin:0x23dee04> here is my actual source: 4: = form_for @admin, :url => admins_path do |f| 5: - field_set_tag 'Update my email' do 6: ...

Creating an admin user in Devise on Rails beta 3

Ok, I'm probably going to feel quite dumb when someone answers this one with a simple thing that I'm missing but... here goes: I've got a brand new app on rails 3 beta and I'm using devise for the authentication. I've run all the comments and everything is working perfectly at the moment. I've created a user role and an admin role (foll...

Problem with Devise authentication on Rails

Hi all, I tried to use Devise 1.0.6 over Rails 2.3. I followed the installation instructions and the user can successfully sign up. However, when I use the registered user account to sign in, the password field is cleared up and nothing happened. Could anyone give me some ideas? Thanks in advance. ...

Is devise compatible with declarative_authorization?

Just asking whenever devise authentication mechanism for Rails does not conflict with declarative_authorization. Maybe someone tried this combo and can share their knowledge, so I and other coders do not waste time trying to tie these ones up. ...

disable password confirmation during registration when using devise

I am using Devise for Rails. In the default registration process, Devise require users to type the password twice for validation. How can I disable it? Thanks all. :) ...

Testing devise with shoulda

Hello, I'm having some difficulties in testing devise with shoulda: 2) Error: test: handle :index logged as admin should redirect to Daily page. (Admin::DailyClosesControllerTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `env' for nil:NilClass devise (1.0.6) [v] lib/devise/test_helpers.rb:52:in `setup_controller_for_warden' I have this in my...

Incorporating Devise Authentication into an already existing user structure?

I have a fully functional authentication system with a user table that has over fifty columns. It's simple but it does hash encryption with salt, uses email instead of usernames, and has two separate kinds of users with an admin as well. I'm looking to incorporate Devise authentication into my application to beef up the extra parts lik...

Twitter Oauth Strategy with Warden + Devise Authentication Gems for Ruby

Devise, the authentication gem for Ruby based on Warden (another auth gem) does not support Twitter Oauth as an authentication strategy, BUT Warden does. There is a way to use the Warden Twitter Oauth strategy within Devise, but I cannot figure it out. I'm using the following block in the devise config file: config.warden do |manager...

RoR Devise: Sign in with username OR email

Whats the best way to enable users to log in with their email address OR their username? I am using warden + devise for authentication. I think it probably won't be too hard to do it but i guess i need some advice here on where to put all the stuff that is needed. Perhaps devise devise already provides this feature? like in the config/in...

Rails Custom Plugin/Gem with Partials

I am writing a gem which provides helpers for views. The HTML I want to insert via the helper is complex enough that I'd rather write it in a _partial.html.erb file. How do I get the gem's view path include in the application's load_path? Note: the only gem I've found that does something like this is Devise. When a view cannot be found,...

Creating an additional related model with Devise

I've started to implement a new project using Devise, which is pretty fantastic for handling users. However, when a user signs up, they're not just creating a User model, but also need to create a related Account model that represents the company. Additional users will also belongs_to this Account model. I can't seem to find a hook for ...

acl9 and devise don't seem to work well together

I have a user model which is access controlled by ACL9 in userscontroller: ACL9 related stuff before_filter :load_user, :only => [:show] access_control do allow :owner, :of => :user, :to => [:show] end def load_user user = User.find(params[:id]) end in ApplicaitonController I have a rescue_from 'Acl9::AccessDenied', :with => ...

Display a flash message for a specific loggedin user upon receiving request.

Dears, how can i trigger a prompt (or flash message with links) display (notifying) for one of the logged in agent (specific agent screen) on my web application when receiving a request from a client. using rails and jquery. as my application is serving a call center, and the my client request ... when a call coming to the system a pro...

Sending a signup confirmation email with having to confirm using Devise

Hi all, I'm using devise to handle user authentication with my rails app. I'd like to allow my users to sign up and be instantly logged in and receive a confirmation email. Devise has the Confirmable module which sends out an email but requires the user to open up their mail application, find the email and click a link which then leads...

Adding confirmable module to an existing site using Devise

Hi all, I'm using devise for a web app and wanted to add the confirmable module to the site. However, since a confirmation_token isn't generated users can't sign in. When clicking the 'Didn't receive confirmation instructions?' link the token still isn't generated. Confirmation email just generates this link (notice the lack of token i...

Share authentication between application using Devise and Ruby on Rails

As the topic says. How do I share the authentication between different applications on the same server? ...