I have a question of pure curiosity, though there has been a change in google behavior, and I would love to know what it is, and if there are any workarounds. I doubt many people know about this, are rely on it, though I do.
In Safari, in you put your cursor in the top right google search field, enter in some text, and press command and return, your results will be pushed into a new tab.
If you are in pretty much any form field in a web page, take http://www.bing.com/ or http://www.yahoo.com/ and put your cursor in their pages search field, type in a search string, press command and return on your keyboard, and you again, will have the results page opened in a new window.
This also works with the mouse click, which I think is part of a clue. Go to http://google.com and enter in something to search on. Press the command key, and click the "search" button. Again, a new tab will be opened with your results.
The general idea is, you stay on the same page, but search results are inspired into new tabs. I can then search 20 things, and have a total of 21 tabs open, 1 being the google.com page, and 20 more tabs with all my results. It is fast, and something I have come to rely on.
All of a sudden, a few days, maybe a few weeks ago, this behavior has stopped working, with google only. I suspect it may have something to so with how they are intercepting the return key with Javascript. I am not sure, but am curious enough I would like to know.
Any ideas what has happened to the html in their source that is causing this? Any ideas on a work around?