



I am trying to use the IB AdMob ad in my app. I followed the instructions provided but I am getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS from the AdMob class. I am trying to figure out what the problem is.

Anyway, my question is Can a ViewController (AdMob AdViewController) control a view that is a subview of the controlled view of another UIViewController?

Here is how I set it up: I start off with a UIViewController in IB.

Step 1) I add a UIView sized 320 x 48 to the UIView controlled by the UIViewController.

Step 2) I add an Object to the hierarchy (not under any other object).

Step 3) I set the class of the Object to AdViewController (AdViewController.h of AdMob SDK)

Step 4) I set connect the view outlet of the Object to the UIView of Step 1