



This only happens in some IE's. Here:

You may notice that when you click and drag on one of the circles, you will get something similar to this:

I cannot figure it out. Here is my image map:

<p class="style2">
  <map id="FPMap0" name="FPMap0">
  <area coords="405, 8, 375, 10, 353, 13, 322, 30, 317, 48, 327, 69, 344, 75, 370, 84, 401, 86, 428, 81, 454, 69, 466, 56, 468, 37, 452, 19, 419, 9" href="le_developpement_des_equipes_de_travail.php" shape="poly" style="outline:0" target="_blank" />
  <area coords="95, 164, 65, 166, 43, 174, 21, 186, 16, 206, 27, 225, 48, 237, 76, 241, 99, 241, 129, 236, 151, 228, 165, 214, 167, 194, 154, 177, 130, 168, 105, 165" href="le_developpement_operationnel.php" shape="poly" style="outline:0" target="_blank" />
  <area coords="138, 17, 115, 7, 95, 8, 63, 8, 41, 20, 21, 35, 23, 60, 42, 74, 77, 83, 117, 86, 144, 76, 164, 62, 173, 40, 156, 21, 137, 12" href="coaching_strategique_de_cadre.php" shape="poly" style="border-width:0" target="_blank" />
  <img alt="services entreprise" height="258" src="Images/service_ent.PNG" width="490" usemap="#FPMap0" /></p>

I really hope someone can figure this out because I'v tried everything...



That might be the outline of the coordinates. I'm not sure which element precisely you need to target to remove it, but if you try:

p.style2 * :active,
p.style2 * :focus {outline: none; }

That should remove them, I think.

David Thomas
where do I put this code?
It's css, so ideally put it into your linked stylesheet. Failing that, you can put it into the `<head>` of your `(x)html` file, after any other linked stylesheets. Bear in mind that if it's in the html itself then it needs to be replicated across every page that suffers from the problem.
David Thomas