EDIT 2: I now think the best soluton is to create ListeningView.h that just includes a ListeningView protocol, instead of subclassing ListeningView (since we can't do multiple inheritance in Obj-C). Then, you still need ListeningViewController as well.
EDIT: Ok, I figured out what the approved idiom is here. I should subclass UIViewController to create ResponderViewController, which will loop through its subviews for ResponderViews when it appears/disappears. Then, any viewController that has responderViews should inherit from ResponderViewController.
UIViewControllers have viewWillAppear, viewDidDisappear, etc. delegate methods.
I would like to create a UIView subclass that can be added to a viewController's view, and when that UIViewController apears or disappears, a delegate function is called.
I could easily do this by putting function calls in the UIViewController viewWillAppear/viewWillDisappear delegate functions, but how can I encapsulate this behavior in the UIView?