



WARN/WindowManager(61): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0 code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=229 mFlags=8}

+1  A: 

That seams a problem of 1.6

Upgrade to 2.1 and shall disappear.

(You have to select one accepted answer for all your previous questions, as you have 0% accept rate. You can do that by clicking the tick ✓ button on the left, under the votes for that answer.)

i am developing in android 2.1 only

I was faced with a blank black screen after the emulator was started by Titanium and none of the emulator buttons such as Menu or Home did anything.

To fix it I entered the following commands from the sdk / tools directory:

android list avd 

This listed the emulator images. In my case it listed two:

Available Android Virtual Devices:
    Name: titanium_3_WVGA854
    Path: C:\Users\xxx\.android\avd\titanium_3_WVGA854.avd
  Target: Android 1.6 (API level 4)
    Skin: WVGA854
  Sdcard: C:\Users\xxx\.titanium\android.sdcard
    Name: titanium_8_WVGA854
    Path: C:\Users\xxx\.android\avd\titanium_8_WVGA854.avd
  Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
          Based on Android 2.2 (API level 8)
    Skin: WVGA854
  Sdcard: C:\Users\xxx\.titanium\android.sdcard

In my case I wanted the Android 2.2 API so I entered

emulator @titanium_8_wvga854
David Silva Smith