



I have used PyGame for a while now, and quite enjoyed doing so, but only 2D experience is not going to cut it when I apply for video game jobs, and besides, I have a number of ideas I want to try out in 3D. What 3D library should I go into first? I was considering Irrlicht, which will also force me to work on my C++ again, but I was also looking towards XNA, as it would be cool to write 360 games. Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

XNA Game Studio is a fantastic framework and let's users jump into creating games quite quickly if you are comfortable with the .NET Framework.

However, if you decide that you want to move to the 3D world, you have 1 more dimension to take into consideration and it makes things exponentially harder. Simple collision detection, isn't so simple anymore. However, with the vast amount of information available for XNA Game Studio, you should find yourself getting to grips with the 3rd dimension quite quickly.

If you haven't done the whole Nehe type tutorials, it's probably best to play with the API, so that you get comfortable with it.

  1. Create a Triangle
  2. Spin the Triangle
  3. Color the Triangle
  4. Load some assets (models and textures) and render them
  5. Try your hand at Alpha Blending

Take into consideration that XNA Game Studio does not have a fixed function pipeline and you will have to use Shaders (HLSL).

Keep in mind that NeHe is kinda outdated, and is for OpenGL, not DirectX/XNA.
+2  A: 

In my opinion, going with Irrlicht or OGRE is a good idea. It will help you get back in touch with C++ and experiment with 3D without making it too easy. It is a good idea to learn XNA as well and build a few 3D game prototypes there.

Summary: Do both, eventually. Learn OpenGL/DirectX later.

All the best.

I was definitely planning on doing both in time, but I was leaning towards a C++ library first, so I guess I will start now with Irrlicht.
All the best on your journey :)
+4  A: 

You can try Unity3D In the fall they released their engine for free that is cross platform (Mac, Win and possible Linux) and it can also be targeted for iPhone and web browser and is starting to build an open community and looks promising.

I've done some XNA stuff and the Unity tools look pretty good in comparison making it easier to get content into your games.

As the OP has been using PyGame, not Game Maker, I would NOT recommend Unity. I think he was on the right track with Irrlicht or XNA, or Ogre3D or CrystalSpace or jMonkeyEngine or some other programming library, not the world editor/game engine/prefab system that Unity is.