




I would like to "grow" a path with bezier-curves. After the path has been drawn, it should be shaking a bit: Weave-like look and feel. visual example: weave example At the moment I use TweenMax.bezier, which let me move a point along this curve and at the same time (onEnterFrame) I draw lines to the current Position of the Point. Unfortunately this approach leads to bad quality of the curve if the framerate drops(square-cut) and it is difficult to recalculate all the points in between(for the weave effect); Recent suggestions lead me to use curves to solve the problem, but I don't know exactly how. This example would solve my problem: split bezier But no code-snippets.

Did anyone encounter the same problem ? Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

I often use Tweeners CurveModifiers._bezier_get to create bezier curves and retrieve points easily (I've tried a few and this one is actually fast).

... Quickly :

Set up two arrays (x,y) listing the control points.

Iterate each frame to modify the positions of the control points.

Redraw your curve with some similar code :

for(var i:Number=0; i <1; i += precision)
   x = CurveModifiers._bezier_get(pathX[0], pathX[pathX.length - 1], t, pathX);
   y = CurveModifiers._bezier_get(pathY[0], pathY[pathY.length - 1], t, pathY);


Here you go :

import caurina.transitions.*;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);

function onEnterFrame(e:Event) 

// Control points

var pathX:Array = new Array(50,200,600,850);
var pathY:Array = new Array(50,200,100,350);

// growth related

var growth:Number=0;
var growthSpeed:Number=0.01;

* Grows and draws the curve
function drawCurve():void {

    const precision:Number = 0.001;

    var cx:Number,

    // grow (avoid making it more than one)

    if (growth<1) growth = Math.min(1, growth+growthSpeed);


    for (var t:Number=0; t <growth; t += precision) {


        if (t==0) {
        } else {

var motion_t:Number = 0;
var motionSpeed:Number = Math.PI * 0.1;
var motionRadius:Number = 10*motionSpeed;

* Creates a movement by transforming the control points
function modifyCurve():void
    var len:int = pathX.length;

    motion_t += motionSpeed;

    for(var index:int = 1; index < len; index++)
        // simple circular movement for each control point

        pathX[index] += Math.cos(motion_t + Math.PI * 2 / index) * motionRadius;
        pathY[index] += Math.sin(motion_t + Math.PI * 2 / index) * motionRadius;

thanks for your answer,but does this also allow "growing" the path along the bezier curve ?Or do you have ideas how to implement this behavior?Thanks a lot
Well, 0 represents the start and 1 the end so all you have to do is incrementing the end point each frame (starting at 0.001) until you reach 1. In the example above the end point is 1 obviously.
Oh sorry, re-read your question, missed the point with 'growing'. I'm obviously only talking about growing one branch... Thought you already had the logic setup and just looking for a way to draw nice bezier curves. sorry for that.
Ha just found something I did back in 2004, it uses sine/cosine only. Are you looking for something similar ?
Jeah, just my one does not split into new branches and has just limited growing (about 700px). Afterwards, if finished growing, it should start swinging like the example link I attached above.
Cool, then go for the first comment. Are you having trouble with understanding bezier curves in general ?
Just another question: Could your approach also be done without recalculating each point ? I would like to "grow" more then one path. In this case the recalculation needs a lot of ressources(5 paths leads to a drop in the framerate to 20 instead of 30). I thought of something like this: his example does not "grow" the paths but his "movement" of the paths doesn't need that much performance.Should I start a new question for this ?Thanks in Advance
Quickly, I Hope you've changed the precision, the default one from the example is extremely high.

What you're looking for is more commonly called the deCastlejau algorithm. Blossoming or polar labels are more general methods for the same thing.
