
Is this a reasonable implementation of the quadratic Bézier function in OCaml?

A friend came across a quadratic Bézier curve function in his codebase that used a gigantic rats nest of a switch table to perform the computation. He challenged me to find a single, short expression that would allow him to replace the gigantic block of code. In attempting to satisfy two different curiosities, I thought I'd try impleme...

Calculation of cubic Bézier with known halfway point

I know: The control points a and d (start and end point of a 2D cubic bezier curve) The slopes a->b, c->d, and b->c (b,c the other control points) Where the halfway point of the Bézier curve is. Now, given this information, what is the formula for the positions of control points b and c ? ...

Approximating Bezier Curves of Degree N

I know there are methods to approximate cubic Bezier curves (this page was also a good reference), but is there a quicker method to approximate a bezier curve of degree N? Or can you only use the generalization below? From wikipedia: The Bézier curve of degree n can be generalized as follows. Given points P0, P1,..., Pn, the Bézier cur...

How can I get all points in CGPath curve or quad curve

Hi, I have made a quad curve path using the method CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint. I got the path perfectly. But, I want to know all the coordinate points which are participated in the path. Is there a way to retrieve all the coordinate points in a path? If not do u have any other solution for retrieving all the points in a curve mathemat...

Position of a point relative to a Bezier curve

I have a Bezier curve specified by 4 points. I need to know if a point is on the left side or right side of the Bezier curve. Can you suggest me an algorithm? Edit: I'm sure that the way I generate the Bezier curve would not form loops. Later edit I realized that my initial problem could be solved without using relative position. When ...

Drawing hermite curves in OpenGL

Hi, I am a beginner, started learning openGL from the Red book since last week. i have a question regarding Hermite curves, how can I draw Hermite curves using OpenGL, are there any built in functions? I saw some examples on line that show how to use evaluators to draw bezier curves but could not find any information for Hermite curves....

position spheres along a bezier curve

I am trying a couple of tutorials from, in order to learn openGL programming, I would like to position spheres along a Bezier curve such that they appear as a string of pearls. how can I position such spheres along the curve. I am drawing the curve using de Casteljau's algorithm and hence can get the XYZ points on...

Quadratic Bezier Interpolation

Hi, I would like to get some code in AS2 to interpolate a quadratic bezier curve. the nodes are meant to be at constant distance away from each other. Basically it is to animate a ball at constant speed along a non-hyperbolic quadratic bezier curve defined by 3 pts. Thanks! ...

How can I find the angle between two points on a bezier curve?

In my current OpenGL project I am trying to make the links of a chain hug the contours of a Bezier curve. How can I find the angle between two points on the curve so that I can position the links of the chain so that they follow the curve. Here is a picture of the curve and chain, I need some way of rotating the links so that they follo...

Algorithm to "trace" sequential points into bezier curves

I have a sequential collection of points in X,Y and I'd like to "trace" these into a set of bezier curves. Could any open source bitmap to vector tracing algorithm or library be used for this? ...

How to draw a Bezier curve programmatically in WPF?

Hi there, I need to write a simple WPF program to draw a Bezier curve, but I have to draw it programmatically since I need to allow user to modify the shape interactively. Any code sample to do this task is highly appreciated! Thanks, Mike ...

Writing Name Using Bezier Curves In C#

I have to make a program that uses C# Generated Graphics to make a replica of my name that I wrote in cursive. Twist is, I have to use Bezier Curves. I've already called a function to make Bezier Curves using 4 points and a gravity concept. My question to you is, What would be the easiest way to make around 10 curves. Here is my functio...

How to create circle with Bézier curves?

we have some x, y start point and some circle radius. We have some engen that can create path from bezier curve points. How to create circle with Bézier curves? ...

Any differences between the way Bézier curves are interpreted by Cocoa and SVG?

I'm definetely new to any kind of graphics (maybe except taking photos :)) so please forgive if my explanation of problem I faced last night is not very precise and understable. I'm trying to generate code in Cocoa which would draw vectors on the base of SVG files. I've translated SVG commands into calls of NSBezierPath methods but rece...

Bezier Curve and French Curves

I am using Bezier curves to plot curves in a program I am making. I have five points. Here is a crude sketch of the curve I am trying to create. I'm trying to make a curve that goes through A,B,C,D. However, C is not a definite point, it is a suggestion of where the curve should pass through to make it look like a French Curve. C com...

How to find the mathematical function defining a bezier curve

Im trying to implement a bezier curve and line segment intersection test. The closest thing my searching has turned up is to take the bezier curve (lets limit it to three control points for simplicity) find the mathematical function generating that curve and place it on origo. Then, using the function for the line segment as another func...

Creating a composite Shape in Java 2D

Using Java 2D I've patched several Bezier curves (CubicCurve2D) together to create a "blob". The problem I now face is how to: Efficiently fill the blob with a given colour. Efficiently determine whether a given point lies inside the blob. I noticed thst CubicCurve2D implements Shape which provides numerous contains methods for dete...

how can i construct the bezier curve if i only have points in x axis?

how can i construct the bezier curve if i only have points in x axis?can i do this act or need points for x and y axes related to t parameter? i want constructe a bezier curve(from degree N)in a given interval and known point in that interval(that are random), but i have points only in x axes!!Whether this is feasible? ...

How can you draw a bezier curve in Matlab

What's the Matlab way to draw a Bezier curve ? Do you have to prgoram it yourself ? I am not looking for a user made routine, but am asking if Matlab offers a standard way to draw them. ...

How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation

Hi, I've been struggling looking for an understandable way to do this. I have four points, a StartPt, EndPoint, and Intersection points to represent the peak and valley in the bezier. The BezierSegment in C# requires start, controlPoint 1, controlPoint 2, endpoint - however I don't have any control points I only have these two points t...