This is a long post, basically summarizing all the things I learned about Django in order to get static files to work (it took me a while to understand how all the different parts fit together).
To serve static images in your development server (and later, your real server), you're going to have to do a few things (note specifically the third and fourth steps):
MEDIA_ROOT is a constant which tells Django the physical path of the file (on your filesystem). Using your example, MEDIA_ROOT needs to be set to 'C:/siteURL/galleries/', like you wrote. MEDIA_ROOT is going to be used in one of the following steps, which is why we set it.
MEDIA_URL is the "url" at which your images sit. In other words, whenever you want to get an image, the url to look for starts with MEDIA_URL. Usually this is not going to start with "http", since you're serving from your own server (my MEDIA_URL is usually set to '/site_media/', meaning to start from the root domain, then go to site_media etc.)
MEDIA_URL doesn't work by magic, you actually have to use it. For example, when you're writing the HTML which gets a file, it needs to look like this:
<li><img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}/160.jpg" /></li>
See how I'm telling the template to use the MEDIA_URL prefix? That eventually translates to 'http://some-good-URL/galleries/160.jpg'
Note that to be able to actually use the MEDIA_URL in your templates, you're going to have to add the line ''
setting in your file, if I'm not mistaken.
Make your dev server serve static files
In a real environment, you will configure files with addresses like "static_media" to be served without going through Django. But in a dev environment, you'll want to server them from Django as well, so you should add this generic line to the end of your file:
if settings.DEBUG:
# Serve static files in debug.
urlpatterns += patterns('',
(r'^site_media/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
'show_indexes' : True}),
Note how that takes anything with the url "site_media/*" (which is actually my MEDIA_URL) and serves it from my MEDIA_ROOT folder, which is the place where the MEDIA_ROOT setting comes into play.
Final note
What confused me is that a lot of the things here are for convenience. For example, MEDIA_ROOT is only used in your debug url pattern, to tell Django where to load from. And MEDIA_URL is only there to encourage you not to put in absolute URLs in all your HTML files, because then when you decide to move the files to a different server, you'd have to manually change them all (instead of just changing the MEDIA_URL constant).
Of course, none of this is necessary: you can hard-code the debug url patter with your own folder, make sure that the static files really are being server from the url (by visiting it in your browser), and then hand-code that without using the MEDIA_URL setting into the HTML file, just to make sure things work.