



I need suggestions on how can I download attachments from my IMAP mails which have attachments and current date in subject line i.e. YYYYMMDD format and save the attachments to a local path.

I went through the Perl module Mail::IMAPClient and am able to connect to the IMAP mail server, but need help on other tasks. One more thing to note is that my IMAP sever requires SSL auth.

Also the attachments could be gz, tar or tar.gz files.

+3  A: 

If you want to stick with Mail::IMAPClient, you can tell it to use SSL.

Alternatively, Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL could also help you with that. The interface is the same as the one provided by Net::IMAP::Simple.

Once you have the message, Parsing emails with attachments shows how to extract attachments. I haven't tried it, but my hunch is that using Email::MIME::walk_parts can be used to significantly simplify the script shown in that PerlMonks article.

Sinan Ünür
+2  A: 

A simple program that does what you want is below.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use warnings;
use strict;

The minimum version for Email::MIME is for when walk_parts was introduced.

use Email::MIME 1.901;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use POSIX qw/ strftime /;
use Term::ReadKey;

You don't want to hardcode your password in your program, do you?

sub read_password {
  local $| = 1;
  print "Enter password: ";

  ReadMode "noecho";
  my $password = <STDIN>;
  ReadMode "restore";

  die "$0: unexpected end of input"
    unless defined $password;

  print "\n";
  chomp $password; 

Connect using SSL. We ought to be able to be able to do this with a simple Ssl parameter to the constructor, but some vendors have chosen to break it in their packages.

my $pw = read_password;
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
 #Debug    => 1,
  User     => "you\",
  Password => $pw,
  Uid      => 1,
  Peek     => 1,  # don't set \Seen flag
  Socket   => IO::Socket::SSL->new(
                Proto    => 'tcp',
                PeerAddr => '',
                PeerPort => 993,

die "$0: connect: $@" if defined $@;

If you want a folder other than the inbox, change it.

  or die "$0: select INBOX: ", $imap->LastError, "\n";

Using IMAP search, we look for all messages whose subjects contain today's date in YYYYMMDD format. The date can be anywhere in the subject, so, for example, a subject of "foo bar baz 20100316" would match today.

my $today = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime $^T;
my @messages = $imap->search(SUBJECT => $today);
die "$0: search: $@" if defined $@;

For each such message, write its attachments to files in the current directory. We write the outermost layer of attachments and do not dig for nested attachments. A part with a name parameter in its content type (as in image/jpeg; name="foo.jpg") is assumed to be an attachment, and we ignore all other parts. A saved attachment's name is the following components separated by -: today's date, its IMAP message ID, a one-based index of its position in the message, and its name.

foreach my $id (@messages) {
  die "$0: funky ID ($id)" unless $id =~ /\A\d+\z/;

  my $str = $imap->message_string($id)
    or die "$0: message_string: $@";

  my $n = 1;
  Email::MIME->new($str)->walk_parts(sub {
    my($part) = @_;
    return unless $part->content_type =~ /\bname="([^"]+)"/;  # " grr...

    my $name = "./$today-$id-" . $n++ . "-$1";
    print "$0: writing $name...\n";
    open my $fh, ">", $name
      or die "$0: open $name: $!";
    print $fh $part->content_type =~ m!^text/!
                ? $part->body_str
                : $part->body
      or die "$0: print $name: $!";
    close $fh
      or warn "$0: close $name: $!";
Greg Bacon
Thanks Gbacon for brief details with code. I need one more help. With your code I can only download the text attachments. Can you please also advise the changes if i also want to download .tar.gz or gz files.
@Octopus Do the content-types of the compressed attachments lack name attributes?
Greg Bacon
yes, the compressed attachments not showing name of the attachments.
@Octopus It's hard to give a good suggestion without knowing how the messages are formatted. What's the Content-Type of a gzipped attachment? (Common ones are `application/octet-stream` or `application/x-gzip`.) Are these messages machine generated and consistently formatted? Do the messages have other multipart content? Can you edit your question to add a sample message with the base64 data elided?
Greg Bacon