



I have created a UIScrollView in a cocos2d application. I am adding sprites dynamically, over 3 pages. On the first page, touch works perfectly on a sprite, however if I use the scroll view and navigate to the second page, touch does not work quite right... the sprite will respond to the touch when I touch the screen, approximately the amount I have scrolled to the left. If I scroll back to the first page, touch works perfectly for a sprite. Any ideas? I am using the following tutorial: :)


I think some code might be useful:-

I am using the exact code from your demo...

CocosOverlayScrollView and CocosOverlayViewController

I am creating the CocosOverlayViewController in my layer:-

CocosOverlayViewController *scrollView = [CocosOverlayViewController alloc];
[[[Director sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:scrollView.view];

I am creating the layer in my scene:-

Scene *scene = [Scene node];
GridLayer *layer = [GridLayer node];
[scene addChild: layer z:-1];
[scene setTag:12];

I am creating the sprites in my layer:-

    myImage.position = ccp(53 * (coordinate.x  + 0.52), 57 * (coordinate.y + 1.45));
   [myImage runAction:[FadeIn actionWithDuration:0.3]];
    myImage.relativeAnchorPoint = YES;
   [self addChild:myImage z:-1];

The sprite is using the TouchesDispatcher and the touches are resolved in the class.

If I use the cocos2d moveto function on the layer I can touch a sprite and it responds so I know it works, things just get a little odd when I use the UIScrollView.

I hope you understand my problem and can help, all the best :)

