




I have a site behind basic authentication (IIS6).

Part of this site calls a web service that is also part of the site and thus behind basic authentication as well.

However, when this happens the calling code receives a 401 Authentication Error.

I've tried a couple of things, with the general recommendation being code like this:

Service.ServiceName s = new Service.ServiceName();
s.PreAuthenticate = true;
s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

However, this does not seem to resolve my problem.

Any advice?


This seems to be a not uncommon issue but so far I have found no solutions. Here is one thread on the topic.

+1  A: 

The Line:

s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials();

Maybe you should try :

s.Credentials = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
I'm playing around with it now but HttpContext.Current.User.Identity can't cast to System.Net.ICredentials. I'm going to try impersonating the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity first.
Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't quite work for me but your help was appreciated!
+1  A: 

Solution: (I am almost certain this will help someone)

See this link for the source of this solution in VB (thanks jshardy!), all I did was convert to C#.

NB: You must be using ONLY basic authentication on IIS for this to work, but it can probably be adapted. You also need to pass a Page instance in, or at least the Request.ServerVariables property (or use 'this' if called from a Page code-behind directly). I'd tidy this up and probably remove the use of references but this is a faithful translation of the original solution and you can make any amendments necessary.

public static void ServiceCall(Page p)
    LocalServices.ServiceName s = new LocalServices.ServiceName();
    s.PreAuthenticate = true; /* Not sure if required */

    string username = "";
    string password = "";
    string domain = "";
    GetBasicCredentials(p, ref username, ref password, ref domain);

    s.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);

/* Converted from: */
private static void GetBasicCredentials(Page p, ref string rstrUser, ref string rstrPassword, ref string rstrDomain)
    if (p == null)

    rstrUser = "";
    rstrPassword = "";
    rstrDomain = "";

    rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"];
    rstrPassword = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_PASSWORD"];

    SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);

    /* MSDN KB article 835388
       BUG: The Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD") object does not display certain characters from an ASPX page */
    string lstrHeader = p.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"];
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstrHeader) && lstrHeader.StartsWith("Basic"))
        string lstrTicket = lstrHeader.Substring(6);
        lstrTicket = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(lstrTicket));
        rstrPassword = lstrTicket.Substring((lstrTicket.IndexOf(":") + 1));

    /* At least on my XP Pro machine AUTH_USER is not set (probably because we're using Forms authentication 
       But if the password is set (either by AUTH_PASSWORD or HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)
       then we can use LOGON_USER*/
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrUser) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrPassword))
        rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
        SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);

/* Converted from: */
private static void SplitDomainUserName(string pstrDomainUserName, ref string rstrDomainName, ref string rstrUserName)
    rstrDomainName = "";
    rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName;

    int lnSlashPos = pstrDomainUserName.IndexOf("\\");
    if (lnSlashPos > 0)
        rstrDomainName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(0, lnSlashPos);
        rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(lnSlashPos + 1);

This helped a lot! Thank you, Graphain!