Hi have noticed today whilst writing a simple iPhone app that Xcode sometimes starts a new folder in applications, whilst your still working on the same app.
/Users/Fuzzygoat/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/4E5EF4F0-F410-46A6-888C-0D23BB97D2DC
Does anyone know what causes Xcode to swap to a new app folder (i.e. the one named "4E5EF4F0-F410-46A6-888C-0D23BB97D2DC")
EDIT_001: One thing I have noticed is that I have been doing a lot of quitting an application and restarting to check a set of archive methods, and that does tend to confuse it sometimes. A couple of times it has not found saved data, I guess this is just a side effect of constantly running the simulator over and over via Xcode. Things seem to go just fine if I test on the Simulator without Xcode, for a start the folder keeps the same name.
NB: I am using NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains to get the documents folder each time.