I'm trying to upload documents to SharePoint using web services attaching custom metadata to the files. I've searched but have not found a good tutorial covering all these topics. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Here's why I think I need to use web services: I'm developing on XP and the Sharepoint object model is not remotable. This means any code which has "using Microsoft.Sharepoint" is out :-( I'm looked into the CopyIntoItems web service but am having trouble implementing it myself. I was hoping for a clear tutorial. I've tried using the sample code from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/copy.copy.copyintoitems.aspx , but I'm not sure what my sourceURL should be. Also, since I can't use "Microsoft.Sharepoint" references, I'm wondering what my Fields will look like? (Is this my metadata?) Also, I'm curious as to why only Website projects allow me to add a web service. Once the file is "in" Sharepoint using that web service, I'll have to use another one to update custom columns, or metadata. Some of these are freeform text, but other must match entries in lists or lookups. I haven't found any information on this yet.
Thank you for your help!