



I have a JAX-RPC (Java) web service that needs to return a complex polymorphic value. To be more specific, the class structure is something like this:

abstract class Child {

class Question extends Child {
    private String name;
    // other fields, getters, and setters

class Section extends Child {
    private String label;
    private Child[] children;
    // getters and setters

class Quiz {
    private Child[] elements;
    // getter and setter

My web service has a method that returns a Quiz, which of course may contain Questions and Sections which may contain Questions and other Sections, and so on and so forth. However, when I generate the WSDL, only Child and Quiz make it in. When I call the web service, I get back a Quiz element with the right number of children, but they're all Child elements, and they're all empty.

Is there a good way to make this work, short of just returning XML as a String?

Before anyone asks, due to circumstances beyond my control, I cannot use JAX-WS.

+1  A: 

I don't think JAX-RPC supports polymorphism in that way. I had a similar problem, and had to work around it by creating a class that had just two members - one for each of the two classes that could possibly be returned - and only populating one depending on the type I wanted to return. So in your case:

class Child 
    private Section section;
    private Question question;

   // Constructor, etc...

class Question 
    private String name;
    // other fields, getters, and setters

class Section 
    private String label;
    private Child[] children;
    // getters and setters

class Quiz 
    private Child[] elements;
    // getter and setter

Which requires the client to check which member of child is populated, and is horribly ugly, I know.

It is hacktastic, but it's probably the best way to do it and still use Java objects. Now I just have to decide whether it's better to do it that way or go plain XML.
Adam Crume

Maybe someone is still looking for it, it can be done in axis 1.4:

  1. Add next line into your <globalConfiguration> section of axis web service deployment file (wsdd):

    <parameter name="emitAllTypesInWSDL" value="true" />

  2. Modify your <axis-java2wsdl...> task in ant build file to include 'extraClasses':

    <axis-java2wsdl ... extraClasses="..."></axis-java2wsdl>

    In extraClasses mention all classes which will be passed, since axis aren't able to guess which childs you'll be passing/returning as parameters.

Done, now you can pass derivated classes in methods accepts parent classes. Etc: // server side class A { ...}

class B extends A {...}

class C extends A {...}


class wsAxis { public void processPolymorphCall(A obj); }

// client side

wsAxis.processPolymorphCall(new C()); // this will work now, as much as returning derivated classes in place of base class.
