In T-SQL, you can do this:
SELECT ProductId, COALESCE(Price, 0)
FROM Products
How do you do the same thing in Access SQL? I see examples for doing it with Nz in VBA, but I'm looking for the SQL equivalent.
In T-SQL, you can do this:
SELECT ProductId, COALESCE(Price, 0)
FROM Products
How do you do the same thing in Access SQL? I see examples for doing it with Nz in VBA, but I'm looking for the SQL equivalent.
Jet (the database engine behind Access) SQL also supports the Nz function. Note though that Nz is the same as the T-SQL ISNULL function. It can not take an arbitary number of parameters like COALESCE can.
If it's in an Access query, you can try this:
"Price = IIf([Price] Is Null,0,[Price])"
Looks like I can just use:
SELECT ProductId, Nz(Price, 0)
FROM Products
Seems to be working just fine.