



I would like to know if this is a good idea that conforms to best practices that does not lead to obscenely confusing code or major performance hit(s):

  1. Make my own Collision detection class that extends Rectangle class.
  2. Then when instantiating that object doing something such as Collision col = new Rectangle(); <- Should I do that or is that something that should be avoided? I am aware that I 'can' but should I?
  3. I want to extend Rectangle class because of the contains() and intersects() methods; should I be doing that or should I be doing something else for 2D collision detection in Java?
+1  A: 

you can easily extend Rectangle

class CollidableRectangle extends Rectangle
  public boolean isCollidingWith(Rectangle otherRect)
    //check collision

  // return all collisions
  public List<CollidableRectangle> getCollisions(List<Rectangle)
    // code

then you would use it like:

CollidableRectangle r1 = new CollidableRectangle();
CollidableRectangle r2 = new CollidableRectangle();


//and so on

As noted in comments I didn't use a Collision class. Usually you need it because you are also interested in collision parameters like depth or colliding plane so you would have something like:

class Collision
   CollidableRectangle first, second;
   float depth;
   Line2D collidingLine;

and the method would return a list of collisions:

public List<Collision> getCollisions(List<Rectangle) { ... }
About "obscenely confusing code," notice that Jack called his class CollidableRectangle instead of Collision; it's fairly clear that a CollidableRectangle is a kind of Rectangle, but it's not clear that a Collision is a kind of Rectangle.
Lord Torgamus
good example, although I don't like the getCollisions method (name), as you are not returning collisions
Yes, in a ready example you would have your own __Collision__ class, also if it implies some overhead (maybe many object allocations) but usually you need to store some collision data (example: the depth of the collision or the colliding plane/point)
+5  A: 

There is not a is-a relation between a Collision and a Rectangle, a collision is not a rectangle. A collision domain may have rectangles which suggests that you use composition.


What about making it unrelated to Rectangle in the first place? Make a new, standalone Collision module and handle any different types you want.

(I don't know Java, sorry for any issues here)

class Collision
   public boolean BetweenRectangles(Rectangle a, Rectangle b)

   public boolean BetweenCircles(Circle a, Circle b)

   public boolean RectangleToCircle(Rectangle r, Circle c)

   public boolean MyCrazyShapeToRectangle(MyCrazyShape mcs, Rectangle r)

IMHO it doesn't really make sense to make a collision out of a rectangle because a collision is an orthogonal concept to the rectangle, and jamming them together needlessly constrains your future options. The key thing to realize is that you don't really need a collision object, per se, these functions are procedural by nature (does Java have something like C++'s 'static' modifier for class-scope member functions?). The collision itself isn't a property of either of the participants of a collision.
