



Why does the following give no compilation error?:

// T.h

template<class T> class X
    void foo(int a = 42);

// Main.cpp

#include "T.h"
#include <iostream>

template<class T> void X<T>::foo(int a = 13)
    std::cout << a << std::endl;

int main()
    X<int> x;;   // prints 42

It seems as though the 13 is just silently ignored by the compiler. Why is this?
The cooky thing is that if the class template definition is in Main.cpp instead of a header file, I do indeed get the default parameter redefinition error.

Now I know the compiler will complain about this if it were just an ordinary (non-template) function.

What does the standard have to say about default parameters in class template member functions or function templates?

+3  A: 

8.3.6 §6 The default arguments in a member function definition that appears outside of the class definition are added to the set of default arguments provided by the member function declaration in the class definition.

class C {
    void f(int i = 3);
    void g(int i, int j = 99);
void C::f(int i = 3) // error: default argument already
{ }                  // specified in class scope
void C::g(int i = 88, int j) // in this translation unit,
{ }                          // C::g can be called with no argument

--end example]

According to the standard, it should give you an error.

Bertrand Marron
@tusbar you are quoting only part of that paragraph. It says at the start of it "Except for member functions of class templates, ...".
Johannes Schaub - litb
Interesting: C++03 differs from C++98. What @tusbar quoted is the C++98 text, while C++03 added the exception for class templates and added to the paragraph "Default arguments for a member function of a class template shall be specified on the initial declaration of the member function within the class template." - i suspect that this is meant to forbid default arguments in out-of-class definitions in case of members of class templates by saying that any default arguments shall be specified in-class [instead of outside of the class] however to me it seems unclear (does it forbid duplicates?).
Johannes Schaub - litb
I looked into and it seems like the intention is to forbid any out-of-class default arugments for template members. Also, i think now since the out-of-class default argument is regarded distinct from the one in-class, even if lexically identical, it violates the "shall be specified on the initial declaration" constraint. So this makes sense if you get a compile time error. The "issue 3.13" John Spicer refers to can be read in this document:
Johannes Schaub - litb