




I'm in the process of writing a program in MIPS that will determine whether or not a user entered string is a palindrome. It has three subroutines which are under construction.
Here is the main block of code, subroutines to follow with relevant info:

Buffer: .asciiz "                                                                                "  # 80 bytes in Buffer
intro:  .asciiz "Hello, please enter a string of up to 80 characters.  I will then tell you if that string was a palindrome!"
    li  $v0, 4      # print_string call number
    la  $a0, intro  # pointer to string in memory
    li  $v0, 8      #syscall code for reading string
    la  $a0, Buffer #save read string into buffer
    li  $a1, 80     #string is 80 bytes long
    li  $s0, 0      #i = 0
    li  $t0, 80     #max for i to reach
    la  $a0, Buffer
    jal stripNonAlpha
    li  $v0, 4      # print_string call number
    la  $a0, Buffer # pointer to string in memory
    li  $s0, 0
    jal findEnd
    jal toUpperCase
    li  $v0, 4      # print_string call number
    la  $a0, Buffer # pointer to string in memory

Firstly, it's supposed to remove all non alpha-numeric characters from the string before hand, but when it encounters a character designated for removal, all characters after that are removed.

    beq $s0, $t0, stripEnd  #if i = 80 end
    add $t4, $s0, $a0       #address of Buffer[i] in $t4
    lb  $s1, 0($t4)     #load value of Buffer[i]
    addi    $s0, $s0, 1     #i = i + 1
    slti    $t1, $s1, 48        #if ascii code is less than 48
    bne $t1, $zero, strip   #remove ascii character
    slti    $t1, $s1, 58        #if ascii code is greater than 57
    slti    $t2, $s1, 65        #if ascii code is less than 65
    slt $t3, $t1, $t2       
    bne $t3, $zero, strip   #remove ascii character
    slti    $t1, $s1, 91        #if ascii code is greater than 90
    slti    $t2, $s1, 97        #if ascii code is less than 97
    slt $t3, $t1, $t2
    bne $t3, $zero, strip   #remove ascii character
    slti    $t1, $s1, 123       #if ascii character is greater than 122
    beq $t1, $zero, strip   #remove ascii character
    j   stripNonAlpha       #go to stripNonAlpha
    #add    $t5, $s0, $a0       #address of Buffer[i] in $t5
    sb  $0, 0($t4)      #Buffer[i] = 0
    #addi   $s0, $s0, 1     #i = i + 1
    j   stripNonAlpha       #go to stripNonAlpha
    la  $a0, Buffer     #save modified string into buffer
    jr  $ra         #return

Secondly, it is supposed to convert all lowercase characters to uppercase.

    beq     $s0, $s2, upperEnd
    add $t4, $s0, $a0
    lb  $s1, 0($t4)
    addi    $s1, $s1, 1
    slti    $t1, $s1, 97
    #beq    $t1, $zero, upper
    slti    $t2, $s1, 123
    slt $t3, $t1, $t2
    bne $t1, $zero, upper
    j   toUpperCase
    add $t5, $s0, $a0
    addi    $t6, $t6, -32
    sb  $t6, 0($t5)
    j   toUpperCase
    la  $a0, Buffer
    jr  $ra

The final subroutine, which checks if the string is a palindrome isn't anywhere near complete at the moment. I'm having trouble finding the end of the string because I'm not sure what PC-SPIM uses as the carriage return character.

Any help is appreciated, I have the feeling most of my problems result from something silly and stupid so feel free to point out anything, no matter how small.


You can find out the value by doing something like this:

syscall to reading a string
mov first value to $2
check the value of $2 with PC-SPIM or a debugger
Zian Choy