I'm going to a talk by Bjarne Stroustrup. Does someone have a good question to ask him?
As we move into a more IL/VM-centric development world for rapid application development, do you see C++ in the future there, or do you see C++ as more a systems-level and optimized application language?
C++ inspired Java and C#, but their success caused C++ not to take the role of The Language of The Future anymore, as C++ did during the late 80s and 90s.
What drives you to continue developing the language as its popularity is declining, and what is the point?
Sounds like a great opportunity you have.
I'd ask him a question you want an answer to, and one that only he can answer.
I would watch his last conference before making an interview with him, at least questions section - during which he admitted that template metaprogramming is challenging and almost unnecessary to achieve, and I wonder if he is aware that c++ itself is already such a challenging one :S
His second confession, if I am not mistaken, was about auto keyword; he and one of his friends intended to add that keyword in 80's however C++ committee didn't accept their proposal. you could ask if there are any other refused proposals he intended to add before but will do for C++0x.
Does he still think "libraries" are always the best way to make a language extensible?
What about better facilities for defining "domain specific languages" or (Lisp-style) macros?
(If he does still think libraries are the best way, what are his reasons?)
I would ask him why he believes that C++, despite being aimed at system level programming, never caught on as the language of choice for the kernel-level of an operating system.
What would you have done differently if you didn't have the following constraints:
- Writing a language that had to be implementable on 80's hardware. (Note: I'm talking strictly about the complexity and memory usage of the compiler itself. The idea is that C++'s niche would still be performance-oriented code.)
- Backwards compatibility with C.
I would like to ask him how he sees C++'s future as far as supporting more metaprogramming is concerned -- not only static metaprogramming (template metaprogramming, preprocessor programming) but also dynamic metaprogramming (ruby-style monkey patching, runtime type introspection, decent reflection, and runtime type construction).
One other question I'd like to ask him is whether he sees any chance to get C++ compiler vendors and maybe the standards committe to standardize on an ABI.
Good luck with that interview!
I am actually at the conference (Software Development Best Practices) and believe it or not, Bjarne did answer some of these questions (including the ones like "why, oh why")