Is this some kind of exception dead lock i am facing? How to avoid it ?
Have a look at below line where i have TIdContext objects of connected clients stored in an objlist and at times i need to process it. But if one user is disconnected while another thread is processing the list, then for that freed TIdContext->Data object I am getting Access voilation, Ok its fine i am using try/catch but problem is that at below line there is some kind of dead lock and process hangs , if i attach a debuger it show Access voilation Again and Again and Again, and cpu coonsumption goes up because of that exception dead lock.
AnsiString UserID = ((Tmyobject*) ((TIdContext*) ObjList->Objects[i])->Data)->UserID;
i know i can check before accessing the object, if object is not Null, It works.. But my question is what if once in a blue moon the Data object is freed at the point when NULL check is performed and on next line when again i am accessing the object i get same dead lock ???
So how to avoid/handle this dead lock exception ?
Here is the call stack...
:005F07C0 System::AnsiStringBase::AnsiStringBase(this=:0285FCE0, src=????)
:0040223F System::AnsiStringT<0>::AnsiStringT<0>(this=:0285FCE0, src=:00000008)
:00457996 TSomeClass::SomeFunction(this=:009D8230, UserID={ }, DataSize={ }, )
:0047BFF1 __linkproc__ ThreadProc(Thread=:009561C0)
:004AD00E __linkproc__ ThreadWrapper(Parameter=:009EAA30)
:7c80b729 ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
Please helppppppppppppppppppppp