



How can I drop a file(or select to open it in Finder) of a type specified in the Info.plist onto my dock icon and then calling a method with the full path of the file?

+2  A: 

If you've set up your Info.plist's CFBundleDocumentTypes array properly (either 'LSItemContentTypes' or 'CFBundleTypeExtensions'), then you just need to set up an NSApplication delegate and implement the delegate method, application:openFile:.

If you're expecting multiple files to be dropped at once, implement application:openFiles:.

I have set up my CFBundleDocumentTypes array properly, and wrote the method, but The dock icon will simply not accept my file.
Tristan Seifert
Tristian Seifert: One possible cause of that problem is that you specified a UTI in your plist, but it was the wrong one: You also should make sure to import any UTIs you mention in the plist:
Peter Hosey
After reading these two documents, I still do not quite understand how to add UTI's to my existing PList. Here is a small section of my Info.plist: <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>Draft.icns</string> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>podraft</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Post Office Draft</string> </dict>What would I have to add to this definition so the dock will accept the File?
Tristan Seifert
Finder opens the Files with my app automatically, but the dock still won't after I deleted the build folder and re-built.
Tristan Seifert

If you're actually making a document-based app, setting it up to give you the path will have you doing far more work than you need to. Simply use the document-based application template. The document controller will create an instance of the right class for you; you need only write that class.

An application you create this way will handle file drops (by opening them as documents) for free.

Peter Hosey
It is not a document based App, It is an Email reader, and I would like to be able to drag drafts, mailboxes, etc. onto my dock icon.
Tristan Seifert

Select your application in the target group of the side pane and use get info. Then in the new window select the properties tab to add a new document type. Name it "Folder" for convenience and the OS Types needs to be "fold"; the store type and role you can leave as is.
