



Basically speaking I am making a map framework (like Route-me and Google Maps). I want to change some properties of CATiledLayers which are not documented. So I dont know if it is possible:

I want to dynamically set properties of CATiledLayer, such as layer size, tile numbers, what conditions to trigger reloading tile source, and binding a function when CATiledLayer realoding sources?

+1  A: 

Not sure why you would think that it is not documented, aren't you referring to the things below?

Dynamically set properties of CATiledLayer, such as layer size, tile numbers

  tiledLayer.levelsOfDetail = ...
  tiledLayer.levelsOfDetailBias = ...
  tiledLayer.frame = ...

What conditions to trigger reloading tile source -> You should be able to call -setNeedsDisplay to trigger reload when you want to.

Binding a function when CATiledLayer realoding sources -> Implement -drawLayer:inContext: in a delegate
