



I would like to add up and down voting to my iPhone appilcation - MyStacks, for this I need the to be able to authenticate the user with SO.

I'm look at adapting the Twitter-OAuth-iPhone library. However The problem I have is obtaining the consumer and secret key. to use OAuth, do I need to obtain a different key for each provider? In order to obtain a consumer key from google the application needs to have a domain name, but this being an iPhone app of course i don't have one, does this mean that I can't use OAuth?

Is there any other way to programatically authenticate SO?

Thanks, Ben

+1  A: 

Found the solution, on the iPhone its surprisingly simple. Just embed a UIWebView which opens up the SO login page and then once users authenticates themselves the required cookies will be saved using NSHTTPCookieStorage so you can simply use NSURLRequest as normal.

Ben Reeves
Congrats!... :-)
The Elite Gentleman