I am interested in learning how to program game graphics for iPhone OS (3.x and beyond...). Can anyone recommend (based on personal experience) good books/websites that deal specifically with Quartz/OpenGL ES programming.
I am interested in learning how to program game graphics for iPhone OS (3.x and beyond...). Can anyone recommend (based on personal experience) good books/websites that deal specifically with Quartz/OpenGL ES programming.
http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/ <- look back to 2009 for more OpenGL posts
Here are the most useful bookmarks I used when learning OpenGL:ES.
"18 OpenGL ES Resources That You Must Know!" - the best meta-list I could find.
The Categorized OpenGL ES Tutorial Collection - the best tutorial list I could find.
OpenGL ES from the Ground Up - the best step-by-step tutorial I could find.
And for reference...
Apple openGL:ES guide for iPhone (requires login)
Hope it helps. Good luck!