Not much to say about this question...
It's stored in the registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
in the InstallDate
key. The value is an integer number of seconds since 1/1/1970 (i.e. "Unix" time)
Dean Harding
2010-03-23 02:44:59
Is this a documented key (part of API), or an implemenation detail ? The registry is an unfortunate mix of both.
2010-03-23 11:06:46
Good question... I don't know the answer to that one :)
Dean Harding
2010-03-23 19:18:09
+1. Actually, `InstallDate` is a value, not a key.
Billy ONeal
2010-03-24 01:19:09
Sorry, I meant to say "value" (I did use "value" in the next sentence at least :)
Dean Harding
2010-03-24 02:25:21