



I have a UITabBarController with a "More" tab whose color scheme I would like to modify.

Navigation Controller Nav Bar Colors

I've been able to change the background color of the "More" tab's UINavigationController by subclassing the UITabBarController and adding the following code to the ViewDidLoad method:

UINavigationController *moreController = self.moreNavigationController;
moreController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];

I would also like to change the Nav controller's text color but have not been able to determine how to accomplish this.

Table View Highlight Colors

I'd like to disable or change the highlight color for the "More" tab's UITableView. I don't want to disable the ability to select, I just want to change or remove the blue highlight color.

I see where I can change the SelectedTextColor property for a UITableViewCell's texLabel, but I'm unsure how or when this needs to be set given I'm not the table view's datasource.

Edit View Nav Bar Color

When the Edit button is selected, the nav bar at the top reverts to the basic blue color.

Is there any way to access this nav bar to change its tint color?


I've been trying to access the Edit view tint as well. Did you ever figure this one out?

This should be a comment, not an answer. And no, I never figured this one out.
Oops. Sorry! I'm new. Point taken.
You should delete this answer and repost it as a comment under the original question. Welcome! :-)